First off: I am still undiagnosed. I’ve followed the ADHD topic for more than a year now since I seem to match a whole lot of symptoms and behavior patterns. An official diagnosis will most probably still take another year. I live in Germany.
One thing that got me wondering was caffeine. As I’ve heard, drinking coffee will make ADHD folks not feel any more awake, maybe even a little tired.
While it doesn’t make me feel awake as well, I very vividly remember my first coffee a long time ago that caused a massive outburst of productivity when all of the time I was known for being ‘lazy’ and distracted. However the effect quickly diminished with each subsequent coffee over the next year.
Isn’t this a contradiction though? If I actually had ADHD, why did coffee have this awakening effect on me back then?
A casual community for people with ADHD
Acceptance, Openness, Understanding, Equality, Reciprocity.
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ich bin gerade am aufhören, habe zum glück die kopfschmerzphase überwunden. hattes du eine erschöpfungsphase, nach dem du aufgehört hattest?
Ne gar nicht. Ich war nie ein großer Kaffeetrinker. Es war bei mir aber das Antidepressiva, nicht das Amphetamin, dass die Reaktion ausgelöst hatte.
ah, das nützt salz eh nicht soviel, das es eine substanzwechselwirkung ist - sobald stimulanzien und antidepressiva aufeinandertreffen, wird es chaotisch.