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  • 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 04, 2023


Super fine ground, almost Turkish. Instead of one teaspoon for 6oz water, I put at least 4tsp per 6oz water, and just kept drinking them. I count my coffees now…

Caffeine poisoning is real, and I almost died from it. Granted, I had A LOT of very strong coffee that day (probably the equivalent of around 30 cups), so it’s relatively rare, but it can happen. Not a fun experience at all, but it almost codified my maximum tolerance levels. Basically, what you’re saying, but with a caveat: if it helps, use it, but be careful not to overdose.

We used the gas stove to heat water for a bath, when the solar water still wasn’t working well enough, or we just showered (very very quickly) cold. Life used to be so simple. Hard, yes, but simple. It was nice. However, I do very much enjoy modern amenities haha

Sorry. Didn’t mean to imply I was right here. Only that my meds won’t get too hot lol. I have had medicines be destroyed by the frigid temperatures in the fridge. I grew up with no central air/heat. If we were cold, we had kerosene heaters. If we were hot, we opened a window. So we got into the habit of sticking everything in the fridge.

Maybe for some, sure. But I don’t want to assume OP is one of those, and suggest this tactic. It might be a great way to deal with ADHD, I’m not arguing one way or the other, since it seems to work for you and that’s absolutely amazing. However, it could land some people in a lot of hurt.

There’s some merit in that. But I wouldn’t really recommend always allowing it. Modern life requires doing some things that ADHD tries to prevent (like finishing that super important project or whatever), but if we give in to it, we can feel some repercussion (like losing our jobs).

She published? Good for her! I remember she talked about it a while back, then I lost track. I’m glad she got it published. An inspiration in and of itself!

My insurance will only cover the generic. There is only one pharmacy in a 40 minute radius that carries the genetic, and only sometimes. Fun.

Of a specific form, according to my doctor, not all forms. It’s important to get assessed by a proper doctor, if you suspect to have it. Having some or even all of the symptoms can be ADHD, but it can be other things, too. I’m not a doctor, and neither is Lemmy.

When empathy goes unchecked, and their feelings become your feelings. Instead of just understanding them, you become overtaken my their emotions. Those without this symptom still feel the empathy, but it doesn’t take over their emotions.

My doctor said it was a symptom of some forms of ADHD. She said an official name for it, but I don’t remember it. She described it as ‘emotional mirroring’, and it made so much sense. I’ve been dealing with it for years, thinking it was normal for everyone. At least I know I do this now, and can try to regulate. Just couldn’t seem to be able to yesterday.

The worst part of ADHD (IMO)
The impulsivity is bad, wasted so much money and time. The hyperfocus, when on the wrong task, has cost me hours in that day. The poor planning / time management has landed me in a world of hurt more times than I care to admit. The low tolerance for distractions / hot temper has caused me to hurt those whom I love most in this world. The inability to properly direct my focus on a task has caused me to lose sight of, and therefore miss, deadlines. That's all bad. But the worst part for me? The part that doctors don't seem to even attempt to address (except for direct symptom management, which barely work)? Emotional mirroring. If you're depressed and I'm with you, guess what happens to me? Today sucked. Depression is an unrelenting bitch, and I hate her with every fiber of my being.

Having ADHD-like symptoms is not having ADHD. They’re different things. I appreciate you sharing, but this article, and the suggestions within it, will not help someone with actual ADHD. They may help someone who has developed ADHD-like symptoms due to a lifestyle not conducive of her/his neurotypical brain.

Now, increase the size of the boulder, increase the slope of the hill, and decrease the dudes muscles/strength, and this will be an exact representation :(

That is a rockin logo!

I have stickers from coffeeshops from my travels. I’ve always been against bumper stickers, until my current car. Don’t know why.

Why nsfw? Hahahhhahahahaa

Hands down, one of my favorite memes of all time hahaha

I just laughed our loud! Hahahah thank you for that

So… Hunger games kind of thing?

Edit: but less murdery, I suppose.

…did Bob and Agnes agree to come before the explanation? Because if so, Bob and Agnes are expecting something more than just Burgers, Drinks, and Salsa Music…

The screenshot as a screenshot is not a meme. However, the screenshot of the meme as a unit of cultural transmission is, indeed, a meme. Hahaha

I thought this was just meme. I’ve taken notes and will start hunting for it. Thanks!!

Just make sure you have nails. Or grapes. Preferably both.

Thank you! Currently added to the other 572 (not a random number) open tabs haha Seriously, thank you!

I had to answer a questionnaire (did you know that NT people can quiet their brains?? Like, thinking about absolutely nothing, and have a purely silent mind. I had no idea!) and answer on a scale of 1-5. While this was happening, the doctor would randomly start conversations with me. While there, I thought she was just being annoying, but I think it was part of it to see how my focus gets derailed (it derailed and destroyed every town nearby). Then, I had to wait for a board review (about a week or two). Then, I had to sign a thing saying that I won’t abuse any meds and that I consent to urine tests and pill counts if the doctor thinks I’m abusing the meds. I don’t want to take meds in the first place, and absolutely hate the side effects, but man! That brain quiet was amazing! Good luck! May your right treatment be prescribed to you the first time.

Edit: oh, I forgot to say. I went to my PCP to do all of this.

I agree with this suggestion. Without the URL, I’m kind of lost as to which instance I’m actually searching.

Maybe a “search all” feature to seach all instances simultaneously? Although, I’m pretty sure that’s near impossible with how the fediverse works. Still would be cool.