I really enjoy the discussion here. Refreshing! Most of the time I as a relative non-expert have no idea what I’m doing, but I do read things as much as I can. Otherwise I’m a fallen sysadmin who got a job managing cyber because bills need to be paid.
Open, closed, it’s all object code in the end which can be examined in disassembly, or the behaviours observed during runtime. Open makes some processes easier in this area. I think the real strengths in this have been beyond security, to enhance cooperation and reuse so we don’t waste time constantly reinventing.
No hypothesis needed https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EternalBlue can’t have been a one-off either.
Copyright has evolved from a limited monopoly on a work of a handful of years, into an entitlement which has diverged sharply from the original intent of the law. It’s time to bring the law back into balance with its intentions of promoting the creation of new works, while granting the public free access to those works after a reasonable time. Lifetime plus seventy years is not reasonable.
Edited to add - consider the number of great artists whose works never commercially benefited them. Not because of “piracy”, but because their work was not known or recognized. Still, they made their great works because they were compelled to do so by their existence.