• 12 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


We might be laughing about this now, but I bet someone already is working on something like this.

Oh, cool, didn’t know that, thanks 👍.

But xbps is still keeps track of installed packages, right, xi is just a script.

If it’s easy enough to actually steal, everyone does it. It’s human nature, we’re greedy by nature.

Well, it sure as hell isn’t 16, so yeah, in that case I would put the closest one as the answer as well, 13.

It’s not an equation, it’s simple math, like one used in a grocery store. You have 2 apples and then you pick up 4 more pairs of apples, how many apples you got?

As I said, it’s not quantum mechanics, it’s basic simple math.

I bet your alarm clock app also uses simple math problems like this one. It’s expected for a grown up or a teenager to be able to solve this, that is why they put it on alarm clock app. It’s not something that’s meant to be easily forgotten. That is why you learn these things when you’re very young, so they stick with you for the rest of your life. But from the answers, it’s easy to notice that most have never even learned this in the first place, at all. Why? Your guess is as good as mine 🤷.

It’s moneeeyy. That’s all there is to it, money. They finally have an easy way to control what you can or can’t do with the things that (at least on paper) you own.

I just knew this was gonna happen… I warned about these things ever since music/movie subscriptions became a thing. You don’t own a copy of what you (allegidly) bought, thus, it’s not yours.

Now, you do own the thing… at least on paper, but you can’t do much with it unless you pay extra cash to the one who sold it to you, so it can… you know, do the things it’s supposed to do. It’s basically extortion, no matter how you slice it. It’s malware, period.

You learn these things in 1st, 2nd grade. This is not quantum mechanics, this is simple basic math.

always use parentheses to denote order, there are no implied parentheses

I completely agree on this, and yes, this is what I always do, cuz… well, we’re human, we make mistakes, parentheses makes things easily visible, thus cutting down on mistakes.

Still, I do know operation order, as a rule I mean. In simple calcs like these, making a mistake is almost impossible. Thus, people that answered 16 probably just don’t know the order… that is something you learn in 1st, 2nd grade, it’s not quantum mechanics we’re talking about here.

lazy mfs from centuries ago who were mortified by the thought of having to write ( and ) too much (lord what i wouldn’t give to hop in a time machine and show them lisp) should not be dictating our mathematical notation in this century.

We only do that cuz we’re not sure how the compiler will interpret the operation order, and there’s waaaay too many versions and different languages to actually remember how each of them interprets math operation order. So, we do a safe bet, put parentheses on everything. Hell, I do it as well, I just can’t be bothered to remember if C interprets it like this, Python like that, Rust like… god knows what. They should, in theory, know math operation order, but let’s face it, we all do it cuz we’ve been faced with bugs that are a direct result of the compiler not intepreting things as it should.

That being said, yes, I do agree that prentheses on everything, even math on paper, is the way to go. Plus, even people that don’t know operation order, will learn it a lot qucker if you just show them how easy things become once you start using prentheses.

Yeah, I know about that too, but I thought ot was only local to my country, lol 😂. Guess not.

There is no choice, so it has to rock 🤷.

There is Servo, but no one seems to care much about it.

Sadly, this is actually true, people actually don’t know simple math and operation order.

And they ask me why I hold such low expectations for the future 🤦.

How my wife thinks diets should work. They should also get rid of the excess skin.

Welcome to the world of digital subscriptions boys. It used to be a PC only thing… not any more.

They’re fuckin’ legends though.

Hey, we were young, if I brought a girl home when I was 16 and locked my room, my parrents would’ve freaked 🤷.

Why, it’s not the right package name?

Nope, the correct way is sudo xbps-install -Suv firefox.

Yeah, we used to do it in parks… I really have no idea how many were peeping, but I know that I heard masturbation sounds on more than one occasion.

Yeah, I get it… underpaid, overworked… it’s funny only if you don’t know the truth.

Aaaaw, he’s smiling ☺️… KILL THE FUCKEEER!

Eastern Europe to be more exact… but I have talked to people from Western Europe, most of them take whatever the operator offers and is a good compromise between price and performace. Currently, Xiaomi seem like the best choice regarding this and stability/reliability.

Good thing I asked, I kinda felt there would be emotional/info dumping. I’m here buddy, any time you need to talk 😉.

Meeh, don’t worry about being late on the first day, can happen to anyone. In fact, I was always late fir classes, lol 😂. Good thing I did state competitions in high school, so everyone was lenient on me. Uni wasn’t as easy regarding the late thing, but once I got to know a few people that were always on time, I decided to hang out with them, cuz… you can’t be late if you hang out with the ones that are always on time, lol 😂.

My point is, don’t beat yourself up over it, it can happen to anyone.

So basically from that point on, I was a dissappointment to her. Every week she reminds me how I wasted her money.

This is… not OK IMO… especially since she knows you’ve got a condition. Hey, it’s only money… money comes, money goes. Sure, they are a necessity for living, but… hey, shit happens. I’ve probably burned like 30k in my life for people that didn’t make it in the end (radiation therapy, cancer), but shit happened… that’s why they’re called savings, you save for… whatever, whether it be good or bad.

I think you should maybe move in with a relative or somethig, maybe your dad… or maybe like get a gf, move in together. This just seems like a really toxic environment to be in. I can relate up to a point, cuz my dad used to be somewhat toxic (he’s deceised), but not to that level. He’d usually give me shit about the music I liked or how I dressed (he wasn’t even a boomer, early boomer at best, he was born 1939… I think). Still, if he was the only parrent I had left, I would have probably moved out.

Anyways, I know people love to leave their parents as soon as they can.

Meeh, depends on the pareents if you ask me. My mom was pretty OK, so I didn’t move till I was getting married.

But you never know if you are actually capable of doing it until you try. I couldn’t even do it with all my expenses paid by my parents, I definitely wouldn’t be able to if I had to fund myself. The future just seems so bleak to me. Like I can’t even function as a human being.

That’s your depression and anxiety speaking. Sure you can, everyone can, it’s not that hard. You just rob a few convenient stores and you have anough money for the month, lol 😂.

Seriously though, it is hard, but we have to do it. Go to a therapist, get a second opinion, cuz your current prescription might not be good for you… you may need dosage adjusting and/or adding/removing something from the mix. After that, try and find a job, something you think you might like doing, so it wouldn’t be a drag to actually go to work and do your job. Do a bit if that, save up some money, do a bit of soul searching in the meantime, whether you really like studing computer science or not… just really dig into it, but let things settle down, don’t do this or that impulsevely. Than, after a year or two, make a general plan of what you would like your life to look like and just follow it 🤷. There will be ups and downs, no doubt there, but every time you take a punch, get up and move on. Learning how to lose is the biggest lesson in life you can learn 😉.

Sorry for the wall of text… wait, did I just write an essay of my life story? Ahh… I wish I had this motivation when I was still in college.

No worries man, any time 😉 👍. PM if you feel like talking 😉.

I use All/Hot, but whenecer I post something, I immediately switch to New to verify if my post is up and federated, and I just so happen to see this post.

Just swipe down and refresh man, no need to reload the feed 😉.

I refresh Lemmy like every 5 minutes so I probably see posts before many people.

lol, me as well 😂.

Most people are at their jobs, but I’m just a depressed college student currently taking a year off so I actually have energy to either continue college or get a job. Most people don’t have as much free time as I do.

Depends what you do and where you work. I work in IT, so… any time when there is no emergency is free time, lol 😂.

BTW, what did you study?

Hey, listen, I’m running kinda late and my wife didn’t put out last night. Could you drop by the house and have a quickie with me? Thanks, much appreciated.

I know, it’s good for people as well, it’s really healthy to eat it… I just can’t stand the texture, I don’t know why, but the texture resembles something completely different in my head and I taste it and my brain just says “no, don’t eat it” 🤷. I generally eat everything, I have a mostly healthy diet, I can’t eat lunch without a salad on the side, and lots of it, same goes for breakfast, I usually eat breakfast with some sort of a vegetable. But this thing… it scares me 😂.

It’s always been like this, ever since I was a kid, I ate everything, except pumpkin. I’m not picky at all, but that is the one thing I do not eat.

And we don’t have canned pumpkin here, we cook it ourselves (mostly baked in the oven, but some make soup or stew from it as well).

Yep, she could be a goddes in certain niche kink communities.

Completely agree on that. I’ve never bought anything on FB, just because it was f*ing annoying with the suggestions. FFS, if I wanted to buy something, I’ll look for it, OK 😒.

In Russia, ve don’t have friends, only enemies.

Pumpkin in any shape or form… I just can’t stand the texture of it.

Depends on your kinks I guess, I happen to like BBWs 🤣.

Nah man, just asking, cuz I always see your comments first, and I do New as well, not many people do though, lol, that’s why I was asking 😂.

Dude, you do New comments from the feed, right?

Nice uname, love the movie, best movies Diesel starred in 👍.

He’s right