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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


They stop trying

Shit, that hits hard, this is so me. I’ve never realised this can also be part of ADHD, I’ve always thought this was just because I’ve been bullied a lot in my youth and the resulting self-esteem issues. Guess I might be double blessed. 😅

Thanks for sharing this!

I’ve got a waterproof timer which I set when I need to shower within a set timeframe. Seeing a countdown helps keeping a sense of urgency and helps me with not getting lost in thought.When I’m not on a limit I’ll put it in clock mode so I can let my thoughts wander, while still having some sense of elapsed time.

Fedora in the ‘has a life section’? Yes, having to reinstall an old version of shim-x64 on an encrypted disk, because the new version breaks the handover from UEFI to bootloader (and therefore even rescue mode is not accessible) is something that everybody is able to do in an instant.

Or dealing with a crashing window manager, getting your Bluetooth headset to work in a stable and predictable manner, etc.

I’ve had Fedora as a daily driver for over two years, switched to Manjaro because I grew tired of having to deal with a constant stream of issues and crashes. I won’t say that there is anything inherently bad about Fedora and I may have had a stroke of bad luck, but it is relatively bleeding edge and therefore one should expect issues to pop up from time to time.

I’ve tried medication, but unfortunately everything I tried had the side effect of pushing up my heartbeat to unhealthy levels, or causing anxiety issues. So currently unmedicated, although I miss the focus and motivation to get things done they gave me, the side-effects weren’t worth it.

I try using todo-lists. But having been diagnosed at 36 it’s so hard to break bad habits, especially during work, so I still often have days where I just jump between tasks. I’ve learned to accept that will happen and try to pay more attention to my to-do list again. Not getting frustrated helps a lot.

I’ve also taken up piano lessons, having to focus on playing a piece of music has improved my concentration quite a bit.