
You’re free to speak, I’m free to stop listening

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


I know that a kid being shot for refusing to comply is an everyday occurrence for Americans, so nothing. But here it’s, if anything, a dangerous precedent, and people would rather make it loud and clear that they don’t want authority holders to start acting like cow-boys.

Cool. We still don’t want you.

The way I see it, it’s like if someone barged into my house and settled behind my ficus tree, telling me that I won’t notice them in my daily life. I don’t care how actually inconspicuous they are, I don’t want intruders under my roof period.

I will never be one of those boomers who manually download all their mp3s (…)

I take it as a personal insult, and wish you to step barefoot on a Lego!

Right wingers/“centrists” regarding disinformation, populism, fear-mongering, and hatred as mere different opinions?