Club president.

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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2024


I bet they misread “while people” as “white people” and then went off on that. So… basically telling us all they don’t know how to read.

Hurr hurr vegans are an easy target, I get it. In fact, I enjoy making fun of them as much as anyone else.

It’s actually blowing my mind that so many people actually seem completely illiterate and keep bringing up the vegan thing instead of looking at the real issue: LW mods admins doing whatever they want, then changing the rules to justify their behavior, then today releasing a nothingburger statement patting themselves on the back about the whole thing.

I get that they don’t want to fire someone over a one time issue, but maybe tell the guy to stfu and just work on coding things instead of interacting with the community?