All of Britain and maybe other european countries. Apartment or Condo here in North America. Brits have a tendancy to simplify their descriptions. Like it is a “Flat” because the layout living space is typically single floor with no stairs. Or they will do the Hoovering of the flat. Hoover once being the go to brand of vaccum cleaner.
I had highend Dell workstation running NX, I thought I’d try SolidWorks. The SW installer crashed repeatedly, I called the local reseller support…they were like yeah sometimes it’s just like that. lol. SW is OK but it is a mid level CAD product, and starts to breakdown when building in lots of automation. Solid Edge is a more robust mid level CAD tool.
It is huge. it fills the full volume of an Ikea Kallax opening, I have mine hanging out so wires in back against the wall have some room…plus some airflow. if the Kallax wasn’t against a wall it would slide back all the way. It has plastic feed about 12-15 mm tall (I think) feet are about 3mm too tall so I trimmed them. But on thingverse somebody made a 3d printer model for replacing them.
Computers automatically change it?? I see two spaces here In what you wrote. Typically phone and things like word have settings to show double space after period as single or not and some android keyboard apps auto correct spaces. But I hate single space it makes it hard to read. Punctuation and Capitalization it helps the reader.
I’m somewhat like you, in that I recognize I’m not a network guru. My home server with containers, as well as a few other devices are blacklisted from accessing the internet at my router. When i have needed outside access I have one machine with wireguard and some ip forwarding/masqurade etc so I have one connection in but can see the LAN for logging into stuff “locally”. The only pain is non internet access devices losing sync with a time server.