My old person trait is that I think ‘ghosting’ is completely unacceptable and you owe the other person a face-to-face conversation.


For me it’s making noises when I stand up or sit down, my knees hurt and get stiff pretty quickly. Also, going to bed by 9:30-10:30 and waking up around 4:30-5:00 am. I really enjoy being up and productive before most everyone else. Grocery shopping on a Sunday at 5 in the morning with headphones on and no one in your way is glorious.

Lol I’ve noticed myself making those little noises when I get up and down and I’m trying to stop. Feel like they’re making me older than I am. Lol

I’m 31 and I’ve been making noises like that for years. A relatively physical job will do that though lol


Where should I start? I like to own my music, stream it from my server @home, I like to use a calculator, just because I like them. And I like to do things in a terminal, even when it takes 5x the time and a hand full of code. I like to connect things with cables instead of wireless, still faster and more secure, got a full cupboard of cables and adapters, I even collect movies and ebooks on my drives with the thought of “the day the internet brakes down I’ll be the king here”. Maybe it’s because I AM old?! That kind of old, there was a time I spent money for a ringtone.

Wait. Can I actual do some things faster with a mouse? I’ve been outside of terminal last time seven years ago, don’t remember that well…

For me the terminal is rarely faster the first time, but the second, third, nth time I need to do it it’s way faster than using GUI. Also have a history trail of what I did.

I backed up a ton of reddit porn in June.

I also have like 8tb of movies and tv on my home server.

Still haven’t setup port forwarding through my website, but I intend to.

I also wanna make a little app, just for me and my server. But Plex is exactly what I’d be trying to make, so…

My old person trait is that I think kids today are underinformed and overopinionated, especially when it causes them to hold opinions with which I disagree. All other times the kids are alright.

My phone opens links in a browser and they don’t work in the browser ¯⁠\⁠_⁠ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ⁠_⁠/⁠¯

is that the new shrug face? dear god…


@[email protected]


Tea. ☕



I’m old so I doubt very much that it’s new lol

My old person trait is only tipping if someone is actually providing a service for me. I don’t tip at all if I’m lifting a finger for anything.

@[email protected]

You sound like you would love the ultimate full service restaurant that VLDL demonstrated:

my old person trait is remembering that it didn’t use to be this hot in the summer where I live.


Mine is I get unreasonably annoyed whenever teenagers are loud in public places.

Mine is very similar. Loudness annoys me but the rest of the inconsiderate behavior that seems to be more common to teenagers drives me bonkers. My teenage neighbors moved last week. First, they did not first empty the elevator of the 50 apartment building but tried to take stuff directly to the car after cigarette break. While three people were waiting to use elevator. Then they left some furniture in entrance hall that would be whatever but by doing it they blocked two doors to building common storages that are commonly used until late next day. Another thing is littering when the trash baskets are right there. And yes, I said something and felt like old man screaming for them to get out of my lawn. I guess I have reachem my rackety old man stage while being thirty something woman.

I think cars should not be dependent on a touch screen for ANY of it’s functions (or really have one at all). They are more difficult to use than tactile buttons, distracting, and do not receive long term support from the OEM.

What do you do with a 10 year old car that runs but the touch screen nuked due to age, firmware bugs or mechanical damage? Ford isn’t going to be selling replacement units 10 years later and I have yet to see an ‘infotainment’ system that has aftermarket replacement considerations.

Yep. 100% agree. My new-ish Toyota RAV4 strikes an acceptable balance with touch screen vs real buttons/knobs. I don’t think anything critical is on the touch screen except maybe the equalizer. The touch screen isn’t massive either, but big enough to have a useful backup camera display.

I spent a decade as am automotive locksmith, and watching things regularly fail on cars that passed through my shop has made me terrified with the touch screen. I cannot imagine replacing one of those and how easily first parties can lock replacement behind getting it done at one of their shops.

Hot Saucerman

“Wait, who are you? How did you get in my car?”

“I’m a locksmith, and I’m a locksmith.”

One of the many reasons I am glad I don’t own a car. Touchscreens are only useful for navigation stuff, everything else should be with physical buttons so you could operate it without looking away from the road for even a fraction of a second.

Yes! I love my car’s touchscreen for navigation and CarPlay, but having physical buttons for volume, A/C, etc was a must.

Totally agree with this one.

I drive an old 06 and I much prefer using the the physical buttons to adjust things like music, volume, air settings. Even prefer using it to back up and having to use my mirrors and look back.

My '18 vehicle is all touch screen, cameras,etc. While the a/c functions better and I don’t feel like my fillings are going to fall out from all the rattles and bumps, I find there is a real disconnect. I am even asked by others why I lean over and look at the back window when reversing.

I work in tech and I don’t trust tech.

“If you think technology will solve your problems, you don’t understand technology—and you don’t understand your problems.” - Bruce Schneier

Yeah, I have the same experience: if you’ve worked long enough in Tech you know its limitations and all the ways it can go wrong hence being a bit skeptical about “high”-tech solutions for things which work fine already with “low”-tech.

Also, you’re well aware that deep down it’s still people having made all the decisions about how it works, only it’s people one level away from end-users (people doing stuff directly for people see how actual recipients of the services react and respond, people doing stuff which then does stuff for people, do not) so the design is often worse when there is Tech in the middle. This explains the fashion-following fad of using of touch screens in cars for functions that are interacted with when a person is driving and supposed to be looking at the road.

Mine is that a cellphone should be a phone first, instead of being a shitty computer first and a celllphone as a distant afterthought.

This might be the only actual old person trait in this thread (OP included). The rest is basically just “I don’t want to be fucked over.”

It goes along with how they’ve stopped calling it a user interface and started calling it a user experience. Interface implies the computer is a tool that you use to do things, while experience implies that the things you can do are ready made according to, basically, usage scripts that were mapped out by designers and programmers.

No sane person would talk about a user’s experience with a socket wrench, and that’s how you know socket wrenches are still useful.

UI and UX are different, but related, things though. Anyone who conflates the two either doesn’t know what they’re talking about, or is at least being very unclear and mixing up words along the same lines as calling a PC tower the CPU.

@[email protected]

Oof, you’re talking to the wrong guy. I’m literally a user experience designer. Not even joking.

User interface just means the styling of the website. The colors, button styles, typography, line-spacing, imagery, etc. These guys usually build out pattern libraries or design systems for the UX guys and developers to work with.

User experience design is much more broad, hard to give a general definition. Basically try design “architect” I suppose, that creates blueprints based on data extrapolated through analytics and research.

Sometimes they go as far as to build out prototypes and deliverables for developers using the pattern library created by the UI designers.

My old person trait is that no one is allowed to be mad at me for not answering a random phone call. Sometimes it’s ok to leave your phone in the other room while watching a movie, or (gasp!) At home while you’re out gardening.

I only answer random phone calls when I’m looking for a job.

@[email protected]

My old person trait is you should be able to order a “coffee”, small, medium or large at Starbucks, without having to learn a new language.

You can

My old person trait is thinking a family should be able to live in a house if one member has a stable job (maybe two people if both are at minimum wage).

You can, as long as that one member makes $200k+. It’s your fault you’re poor, weirdo

@[email protected]

You can also live in a lower cost of living area and accomplish it.

Except the work availability doesn’t exist in low cost of living areas so you just trade monetary cost with time and accessibility cost.

@[email protected]

You never heard of remote work eh? There are tons of jobs you can do from anywhere that you have reliable internet.

Also, there are other jobs that pay well enough to live comfortably in many areas close to rural areas. It’s quite simple to just drive a few miles to town for a work commute.

You could not persuade me to move into a city / metro area for double my current salary. Nothing beats having your own home and land for a price that you can easily afford.

@[email protected]

Ahh you’re under the false assumption that low income areas have those facilities to accommodate remote work and supply ample employment to the entire area, I’m glad we were able to identify the gap in your comprehension.

@[email protected]

You really don’t seem to be grasping how remote work works at all. All you need is a room indoors (unless the weather is good) and a computer with Internet access.

But if you have no skills for those jobs, you can work other jobs in person, by commuting to nearby towns. This is nothing new, and if you didn’t realize this, it has been occurring for quite a number of years already. In my rural area, I could drive around and see many nice valuable homes that people have obtained by having been gainfully employed. It’s the reality of millions of rural American already. We get to live nice comfy lives in affordable living conditions because we don’t buy into the big city bullshit lifestyles.

@[email protected]

Someone doesn’t understand why low income areas are low income, while using examples of high income earners living in low income areas. Your determination to make a point in spite of your ignorance is amusing, it’s like you’re trying to pretend poor people don’t exist, kind of pathetic really.

The problem here is menial work. Some people need to build houses or produce furniture or repair cars etc. And that is often not well paid, destroys you physically, and you need to live where the work is or you need to pay for a car and extra insurance and extra taxes etc. etc. And then people do a full time job with actual societal merit, working in a field they want to work, but it’s not worth doing so. And that can’t stay this way. There is no remote job as a stone mason, Raoul. Not everyone can do that.

Yes, there is menial work available in many areas. Even if you live in a rural area, as millions of Americans currently do, who make a living and own homes.

The magical secret is CARS - you can get a car, and drive it to the job. Jobs definitely exist outside of big city metro areas, even if you don’t believe in them.

They increase your costs and cut back on your effective income. That’s the fucking point.

Only one generation got to do that though. The post war generation with strong unions. Before that, but like now, unless you were rich, every damn person in the family worked, including the kids and if you were lucky by the end of your 70 hour work week you had enough to pay the rent and feed everyone.

We are evolving. Just backwards!


Can I talk to you about our Lords and Saviors: Devo? ~workin’ in a coal mine going down down…~

@[email protected]

Necessities for children should be provided or paid for by government

Is wanting kids to get off my lawn an old person’s trait?

I have a few. And I’m not even that old (mid thirties)

  • People who talk on phone calls using airpods or similar look ridiculous in public, like they’re utter lunatics talking to themselves or their imaginary friend.

  • people who view life through their mobile phones are unfortunate and sad. Like…why pay money to go see a gig if you’re going to view it through your phone screen? I went to a wedding last week and I was one of the very few who was actually watching the procession with my own eyes rather through a camera app.

  • Not being on social media should be an accepted norm, not a fucking exception. This is an issue when dating, unbelievably.

How I see it, not needing to be in the big social is a privilege. If you can stay out, enjoy. I know a lot of artists etc. who, if they left the big social, would soon have no work or income.

Me? I open LinkedIn when I need a new job, that’s all.


I went to a wedding last week and I was one of the very few who was actually watching the procession with my own eyes rather through a camera app.

Exactly why that during our wedding we made a PSA to not take pictures or videos, and we have a dedicated professional taking care of that and we’ll give access to those photos after.


the social media part - I’m so tired of justifying why I don’t have Instagram or Twitter to people. They think you’re weird if you don’t have one. I usually just say I used to have it but deleted it because it was stressful, but I don’t think I should have to justify it at all

@[email protected]

The not being on social media one sucks when dating for sure.

“How do I know you aren’t a weirdo, creep, stalker etc?”

“You don’t and me having social media wouldn’t change that either.”

Sure I could play ball and make myself a presence but honestly I’m happy enough being single that I’ll gladly dodge any lady who isn’t on board with my lack of social media.

Just a shame that in a numbers game that a relatively high proportion choose such a non issue to be a sticking point.


I think the numbers may work in your favor the other way. The coolest / funnest / most interesting people I know have minimal or no social media presence. There are fewer of them, sure, but a much higher percentage of them are cool people vs the mindless drones who see everything in life as a photo op which they can post on their curated online persona’s webpages.

I have an old person trait. WHERE IS MY PHYSICAL PC GAMES

@[email protected]

I used to always buy physical pc games and then redeem the codes on steam! This was back when I ran a gaming store for a couple of years. Got Fallout New Vegas and Portal 2 cheaper than on steam this way, and with staff discount on top too

Still have the boxes and dvds! I miss the old big box monkey island era tho, dial a pirate lol

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