Social media redistribution agent.

  • 26 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Mullvad is nice because you don’t need to make an account or sign up with an ID or phone number. Plus you can pay with monero.

A cold take.
People who don't care that they are being spied on/ having their data harvested by facebook, instagram, whatsapp, google, amazon, oracle etc... are the same ones who pirate without a vpn or i2p. I can't stand this "so what if they have my data?" attitude. You ask anyone if they would feel comfortable leaving their car unlocked in town, or the front door of their house open at night and *theeen* they suddenly care about privacy and security. Piracy is a crime. It might be the most common and socially acceptable (right after not fully stopping at an empty stop street), but it is still technically illegal and the govt can go after you any time they want to. Please please please do not go around advertising your cam-quality bootlegs.

All I want… Is sharks with freaking lasers!

Hmm I seem to recall laws against monopolies.

It must be hard for him seeing what has become of Indy, since Indiana Jones was such a huge character and time in his life.

Bro my blood boils when people are so blatantly direspctful to others and their time.

*buys wireless device *looks inside wires

Half joking. Pirated apps are sometimes sketchy, but you can get older versions of things that just worked. Alternatively there’s Linux and the open source world, which has never let me down.

You can. I think it’s called “pirate bay”, but don’t quote me on that. ;)

Most people I’ve met have little to no opinion on him other than “comic relief”.

Easily the most overlooked character, with a great arc. We see him go from a goofy yet eager boy, into a competent and creative man.

My old person trait is that I think 'ghosting' is completely unacceptable and you owe the other person a face-to-face conversation.

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Trying, failing and learning is far less painful than looking back with regret.

(Anatoly, for those who don't know)

(Blood Dragon is a DLC, I said what I said.)

Funny how Ghislaine doesn't have the 'big sad'.

Although Zuck the Cuck does have a bit jiu-jitsu experience.