I kind of agree with the sentiment from the other answers. In the last weeks I’ve seen quite a few comments made by users, threatening to leave the platform because of one thing or the other. I want to be clear that I think everyone should be welcome here, and should feel there is a place for them as well. However, I am under the impression that most of these people commenting this are not really generating content themselves.
I think it’s important to realize that lemmy is in a growing stage, with growing pains. The content is as good as we, the community, make it. If you feel disenfranchised, it is certainly your right to respectfully complain, but I think it would be even more valuable to create a community that reflects your needs, and to create content that will please you and people with interests aligned with yours.
Extreme ass-kissing has definitely been around for ages. However, social media gives these people a platform for effectively widespreading their bullshit. Another thing that seems like a newer phenomenon, at least in a democracy and in the current magnitude, is the complete loss of accountability. Politicians used to (be forced) to step down when they did really shameful stuff, I don’t see that happening now. Then there is the whole January 6th stuff, etc. etc.