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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


I would argue that the physical quality of life is obviously much better. But that the mental health of everyone is eroding. Propaganda, lies on both sides of the political spectrum, extremist influences (alex jones R, cody johnson L). People are slammed with stress and depression. With no relief. How much stress has money, politics, and work caused. I don’t have the answer, but I do think that addressing the mental health problem is step 1.

Side note: If you disagree with a someone and your first instinct is to belittle and insult them for having a difference of opinion, then you are the problem.

I think I’m this guy’s spirit animal.

Imagine if guys figured out that having g decent hygiene is like 70% of it. Women like a good smelling fellow. The other 50% is just being interesting and not all murdery.

Tvs with built in decibels limiter when?

You got it all over my epidermis!!!

That dollar could buy the family enough Ramen to avoid starving.

Reddit said I could only use their official app. But we all know its not very well done. The simplicity of reddit became to stressful and complicated.

Idk on here, but if you need help on reddit there is a sub called Qanoncasualties and it’s basically a support group for family members with Q whoevers.

10pm being late. When I was young I would stay up until 2-3 am doing stuff.

I have adapted this policy. With a bunch of trying to understand why this person is acting a certain way.

Security for me, not for thee. At this point in my life windows is just too exploitative. I know a little about Linux, looks like it’s time to learn.