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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


And what about those commenting on good faith?

And what’s the problem with voting on public posts on a public forum?

I’d love to see vegan content, not … whatever meme shitshow that community has become.

We can always ask for better.

I use Chrome exclusively because Firefox is a broken resource hog.

Typically sushi, jasmine, and basmati. I add water at about a 1.25:1 ratio for each (and presoak and parcook the basmati).

If a restaurant isn’t making it fresh, they’re buying it in bulk from a wholesaler. Maybe they’ve got a deal with Barilla, or maybe they shop at the same restaurant supply store I do and get the sacks of brandless dried pasta. You clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.

It sure is. Have fun throwing your money away.

I keep a lid on the rice and kill the heat once the water is boiling. Twenty minutes later it’s perfect, and it literally can’t burn.

Guess what, it’s exactly the same as the much cheaper store brand stuff.

Misspelling “ads,” “your,” and “escort”: priceless

I’ve seen it.

I didn’t catch the cat in the act, but there was no other way he could have done it.

speling and capitalizion are important.

It’s a well-known fact that cats can change both their mass and state of matter at will.

A Reuben, but I’m sending it back if it’s soggy or cold

Yes, that’s the story I was referencing.

Hugh Laurie was originally selected for that role because the director was glad that a Real American had finally auditioned well

Think twice before, using a comma!

No, you need 10,000 hours of experience to be an expert. He’s just an ant-shaving hobbyist at best.

It’s just nostalgia. In 2010 reddit was nothing but image macros and le rage comics, and it was 99% garbage.

It’s probably just the one guy. He probably only spent a total of 100 hours doing it so he’s not even an expert.

All image macros are memes, but not all memes are image macros.

This is how most showers are to 6½’ tall people

Be the change you want to see in the world.