Situationists never die, they’re just remixed.
Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. -Milton Freidman
See also: Brexit
Joe Biden famously claimed that the PATRIOT Act was based on his legislation, a counter-terrorism omnibus bill that had failed previously.
They always seem to have plenty of unsavory ideas “lying around.”
slurs in general are not allowed on
It goes even deeper if you get into Judaism and why they have two entirely separate kitchens. Ancient people dying of trichinosis in the desert heat but not understanding how disease functions do weird things to try to figure out how to safely survive, like banning certain foods entirely such as shellfish.
Diarrhea is still one of the top killers of children worldwide, which is one of the main side effects of food-borne illnesses like trichinosis.
The song is a blunt indictment of the rise of far-right punk subcultures such as Nazi punk or the white power skinhead movement, which had begun rioting at punk shows in the late 1970s. The appropriation of fascist iconography had been common in punk for some time, often ironically, but the irony was not always clear to the extent that it began attracting the organized far-right to punk concerts. Jello Biafra’s lyrics condemn the infighting among punks for weakening the prospect of rebellion and hold of the far-right agitators that “in a real Fourth Reich, [they’d] be the first to go.”
Dead Kennedys not being punk is news to me… wouldn’t this literally be an example of punks being anti-nazi?
If someone doesnt spin up a http://pepesilv.ia instance of Lemmy I will be sorely disappointed.
Sorry bud, didn’t mean to come off as salty. It just doesn’t bother me that much because it’s my choice how to curate my own feeds. My view isn’t that some service needs to prove itself to me as much as I know what I am looking for in a service/community and it’s not a “prove it” type thing as much as paying attention to how communities work and accepting that it is different than I am used to. I personally don’t see why it’s worth complaining about, is all. Especially when it’s so simple to adjust the feed to my own liking by dropping communities that overwhelm others.
Change isn’t a bad thing, and neither is constructive criticism, but that criticism would probably make a lot more sense in the asklemmy community or some other community that is about improving the site, not just a random meme shitpost the developers and admins won’t see. Complaining about it here doesn’t seem like it will do much except bother the people who are actually enjoying the site. Your experience of not liking it is not universal, I’m sorry to say.
Cadence Weapon says “Copy that Floppy!”
I’m a bigger Public Enemy than Flava-Flav working for Monsanto.
This is precisely why political groups organizing on private companies servers is a bad idea.
Not only do they have direct access to every message anyone in your group has ever sent, they can also, as you can see here, just destroy that history as being accessible to you if they so please.
People like to act like Discord is somehow better, but really, they have just as much incentive to 1. keep an eye on you and 2. remove access if you’ve become “trouble.”
Use privacy respecting services to organize politically (e.g. Matrix).
It’s absolutely crystal clear that reddit did this to remove embarrassing history that might have bitten them in the ass in the future. Removing it all in one fell swoop destroys many political groups abilities to organize and destroys any historical evidence of reddit malfeasance that was in direct messages and chats.
Find purpose in SLACK, my brothers!