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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Parfait!! Parfait has layers.

I sent my referral to the psychiatrist office and mostly forgot. Then I was talking to someone about looking at getting a diagnosis and went, “actually I sent a referral a couple months ago. I wonder what happened with that. I should probably follow that up”,narrator: He didn’t.

They called me though a couple weeks after that. But my thought on the subject was, maybe that’s the first part of the diagnosis process. If you can remember you have started organising it, you’re off to a bad start.

I’ll have a look at these ones, and I’ll add my own on top: How to ADHD by Jessica McCabe, I found that one to be something worthwhile.

Ahh the ol’ parental, “I’m cold, so you need to put in a jumper!”

Don’t end the count just yet. I’m sure number 3 will be along soon enough

Memes™, now with flavour!

I don’t think it’s the worst timeline, 'cause things can always be worse.

I think we’re leaving in the dumbest timeline.

But then this person, had the not been hit by a car, and died, would have set into motion the birth of space Hitler.

Damn you butterfly effect!