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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


I didn’t know white engrams dropped in Destiny?

Honestly I’m not yet in that camp. Sure for short term it is for a fact much better than analog smokes, but we know nothing of the long term.

Gotta remember: for quite a while, doctors recommended cigarettes. Sure tech and general knowledge have improved drastically since then, but the method of proving a hypothesis is still done the same way: testing.

I hope it is better. Maybe I’m just getting jaded in my age.

Being that I now vape from the time I wake up to the time I go to bed simply due to accessibility, I’d say it’s worse.

Current e-cig user here.

Honestly, as a smoker, it’s a godsend. The smoke goes away so quickly, it has higher nicotine than cigarettes when purchased the RIGHT way, and since I can now smoke inside, I can puff on it all day every day as I work from home!

In all seriousness, it’s worse imo. It sets the precedent from the 50s of smoking EVERYWHERE and now without any of the negative outward effects like smell or yellowing of the teeth/walls.

It’s honestly made my addiction worse. To each their own for sure, but in my experience it just made my bad habit SLIGHTLY healthier, but much more accessible.

It requires a significant amount of willpower to break the addiction, but for those of us that do not, definitely do not pick this up. It will not help. If you have that willpower, it is useful.

Well that’s a super good piece of information Holy shit.

Imo, depending on the age of the “older” games, it may not be worth it to do an SSD and go for pure storage with an external HDD.

Alternatively, if you’re dying for speed, get this or similar and an M.2 case that matches your IO

SAMSUNG 980 PRO SSD 2TB https://a.co/d/8lfbon4

Just because something is old knowledge doesn’t mean it’s common knowledge!

People get so weird about that. Yeah I knew, but before I knew, I didn’t.