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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


In civil cases all you can get is money. If the settlement is acceptable then why not? Both sides are happy to avoid court, less legal fees, less time spent, less worries, it’s the better option.

So if you have cancer, the important thing is not to be worried at all about the horrific illness and potential death that you’re facing. Simple…

Two of the riders are using a style of riding where they keep the horses head tucked close, this leads to a prancing type gait. It’s on purpose. The horses themselves seem calm but I’m not really a fan of the style.

Lots of things in that are untrue, but the OP is asking about free roaming cats, not feral cats.

The obvious answer is to move all the bird feeders to the back. If you’re attracting them to an area with predators then you’re better just not feeding them.

You can also use window feeders or similar to move the feeders up high, but I’d say the first option makes the most sense.