• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


When I watched Fullmetal alchemist it drove me insane that I recognized Roy Mustangs voice but couldn’t quite put my finger on who he was.

It wasn’t until I watched FMA brotherhood that I realized that he is also Batman (Christian Bale)

And they did all of this while being a bunch of plankton inside a dead girl

I have a strict 2-click rule. If I’m not able to disagree to all cookies with two clicks I’m leaving the site again

Man kann Pflegefachkräfte konsumieren? Gilt das nicht als Kannibalismus?

All fun and games untill it’s the year 200000023, all of humanity is long dead, earth has been destroyed and you’re trapped in the white star that once was our sun. Unable to die, unable to move, unable to even lose your mind.

You are still in perfect health.

There are some animal that you can eat that are vegan.

The fig wasp for example is a tiny wasp that climbs into fig flowers to lay their eggs in them, polinating them in the process. Once the flower turns into a fruit, the eggs hatch and climb out of it. The dead mother wasp stays behind.

Since the wasp dying in the fig is required both for the plant and the wasp to reproduce they are considered vegan to eat.

So the next time you eat a fig, take a closer look. Maybe you’ll see the dead wasp (or maybe you’ve already swallowed it)

Far too many people are using confession bear to gather sympathy for non-confessions

“My boss told me to kill 52 orphans and yell racial slurs at black people but I told him to fuck off, even though you shouldn’t swear. (Now please go ahead and tell me how good of a person I actually am)”

Oui oui, je m’appelle Baguette~

Dieses Gefühl, wenn man in die Hosentasche greift und die Dorschleber nicht spürt