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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Which is why it’s important to give no quarter to fascism and theocracy no matter where you live.
Proud to carry my Satanic Temple card right next to my goddamn union membership book.

The fact that they need a space away from everyone else, and the fact that this post even had to be made, is a testament to mankind’s inhumanity to man. People are people, but there’s an unsettling amount of people that can’t see past creed, color, sexuality, and so on.
I’d say it’s a monument to our own hubris as well. We’re the most advanced civilization that we know exists, but still can’t seem to treat members of our own society right.

Gotcha. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I’m here because 196 shows up on my feed and I really enjoy the memes.
I also have absolutely no problem with trans individuals or really any lifestyle anyone wants to live that isn’t hurting anyone else.
That said, was there an incident recently on here that spurred the creation of this post? Did something go down?
Edit: Changed “bothering” to “hurting” because I frankly don’t give a fuck about the feelings of the type of people that are “bothered” by LGBT+.

Well, they’re going to have to try a lot harder to convince me. In fact I don’t think it’s possible for me to see Denuvo as anything but malware.

Toxoplasmosis is a disease you can get from exposure to cat shit (protip: wash your hands thoroughly if you touch cat shit. And keep your litter boxes clean). A protist causes it. It usually only affects people with weakened immune systems though.