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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


In fairness, for much of history it was perfectly normal for two people of the same gender to live together and eat together and sleep in the same bed and write affectionate letters to each other without that necessarily implying that they were lovers.

Nah, bikes are way too nearly organized

Digg doesn’t deserve weird special capitalization anymore than Reddit does.

He was also responsible for the whole simple hacker-y design / vibe that helped lure people from decadent beveled-everything Digg.

Interesting. But the difference is 4 days over a 400-year cycle, i.e., in a typical human lifespan you’ll maybe experience one more Thursday the 20th than Friday the 20th.

Where now are the horse and the rider?

Where is the horn that was blowing?

Yeah, but in exchange for a brief flurry of engagement they have to put up with another wave of articles about angry reddit user protests:


You can honestly just draw the box and consider it de-swastika’d, the other steps are to make it look pretty.

What if you could get hard using mints you ordered from a website with a short name and expensive typography?

Batman oppresses crime and everybody thinks he’s cool, I don’t see why oppressing fascists should be any different

“The gom jabbar, the high-handed enemy. It’s a needle with a drop of poison on its tip. Ah-ah! Don’t pull away or you’ll feel that poison.”

qui expectat ipsos expectadores

“Why does this hot dog have a bunch of seagull-beak-sized bite marks in it?”

“Bite marks? No, those are… steam holes, because all our food is so fresh that there’s still steam coming out of it”

True, but for Star Trek Torture Scenes, Stewart + Warner remain the gold standard.

I have to think that in a fast-moving situation like this, a capable physician - and with two billionaires fighting I’m sure they’d have someone really good - could work out a way to let them both die without technically doing anything that would be considered malpractice.

Or, just YOLO it and figure that no jury will convict you.

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road

Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go

$36.45/kg -> like $16.50 a pound, but let’s assume it’s Australian dollars (bit cheaper than Canadian) and say it’s US$11/pound. Still an awful lot to pay for peanuts, which you can buy in bulk for less than $1/pound even if they’re very good ones.

This is either photoshopped or it’s an ironic conservative meme meant to suggest that interracial + interfaith marriage are equivalent to pedophilia.

A giant cylindrical alien thing?

You can think of ‘cis’ and ‘trans’ as meaning roughly ‘this side’ and ‘other side’.

Before “cisgender” became a widely publicized term, about the only time I ever heard the term “cis” was discussing Cisalpine versus Transalpine Gaul in ancient Rome. (Cisalpine Gaul being northern Italy and Transalpine Gaul southern France, more or less - the parts of Gaul that were on the same side or the opposite side of the Alps from Rome).

I agree with the message but I don’t know if arsenic + toxic algae in water necessarily deserve two separate slots in the Top 8 Prospective Millennial Parent Worries.

They had one founder who actually believed in that, he left in 2007 and is now deceased. (RIP) But they’ve been milking it ever since.

Huffman and Ohanian are both Y Combinator grifter types, Ohanian also happens to be married to Serena Williams yet rather than being content to live off his extremely wealthy wife’s money he’s spent the last few years touting crypto scams.