Captain Poofter

Hi, there!


I was born in 1989, so I am an ancient grandpa and demand respect for my lawn. (/s ya right like I own a house)

(P.s. I am not a sexy hairy ripped daddy bear, but I do own a cat named Tammy 🐈‍⬛)

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I’m afraid you’re right. They do make portable consoles now that are emulation focused so that would be an easy enough way to get the average Joe set up, but even then they’d still have to navigate the rom universe and figure out downloads. I’m not really sure what a solution could be.

Maybe if there was a way to exclusively release the reproduction rights to video games that haven’t been published within the past 10 years. This would at least make possession of the roms legal, and allow for a functional service to grow to provide them to the average Joe.

Can’t imagine that happening any time soon, though. But I guess here’s to hoping 🍻

Thanks!! This has some really good stuff. I think following hashtags will help. I never really used Twitter so this is all kinda new

I joined recently! I gotta admit, I’m not sure what to do exactly…I’ve never been very good at social media. But I got one!