Fault: 0x32 Debug Err Code: 00000000 RIP: 0001BFF4:Panic+0x002E RSP: 00FFB908
For self-hosted hobby instances, expenses are likely all out of pocket. Instances amassing a large amount of users could potentially be driven to aggressive financially-driven changes of how their instance works, to maximize exposure to ad posts or sponsored pinned posts, for example. Donation-centric contribution helps alleviate that kind of seeping financial platform degradation.
Driving slow, leaving early and arriving early. I usually drive a bit below the speed limit, and always follow speed limit signs. It keeps people safe, even if their own impatience makes them tailgate eachother 10 cars in a row behind me. Some people like to be in a hurry when they drive and don’t know how to relax and drive calmly, I’ve never been sure why.
Happy four of month