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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


How did you drink that much?!? Were you distilling your coffee?

Many people self medicate with caffeine. It helps with focus and productivity, which is why coffee is incredibly popular. Its not just for the neurodivergent, it helps most people focus, making it a staple of workplaces worldwide.

I have only ever heard people with ADHD describe coffee as calming, but it helps with focus. The problem for those with ADHD is that the mind is too active, so being more calm helps focus.

If coffee helps you do the things you want or need to do, you should use it. Avoid excess, proper dosage is essential for any drug even ones as benign as caffeine.

The rainbow is white light that has been split into its component parts. So the only colors that appear on the rainbow are made from a single wavelength. The missing shades of purples are made from a mixture of both high and low frequency light.

RGB color is a fair approximation of human color vision. Your screen’s Red, Green, and Blue, components are designed to match the 3 cone cells of the human eye.

If you compare a real rainbow to the RGB rainbow in the color picker in your favorite graphics software, you’ll likely notice extra colors. Unlike a real rainbow, the RGB rainbow has shades after blue, and it comes back around to red. Real rainbows do not do this.

That’s because purple, and magenta and fuchsia and other similar shades are made from both high and low frequency light. Therefore they cannot appear on the rainbow.

Cockpit voice recorders are designed to survive catastrophic plane crashes. They are incredibly durable.

This isn’t due to airbags or crumple zones, or anything that would be used up in the first crash. If it can survive the first crash it will survive the second.

Beehaw defederated from, but did not defederate in return.

Instances copy content from other instances. When thousands of users want to read a post from a tiny instance, they can. All that traffic is served from’s local copy, and the tiny instance is only bothered by one download request from the server.

When asks beehaw for posts to update its local copy of a community, beehaw agrees and sends the content. So users can see new beehaw posts when they connect to their home instance.

Before defederation, beehaw would do the same. Beehaw asks for the latest content, and beehaw updates its local copy.

Once the defedeation started, beehaw stopped asking for new content. But if a beehaw user tried view a community, beehaw would happily send its local copy, blissfully unaware it was out of date.

Lemmy needs better user-facing error messages. This is too confusing for normal users, but its reasonable behavior for pre-alpha software which is what lemmy is right now.

No, they have not.

If you compare your link, on Lemmy world to the same post viewed through beehaw directly, you will see completely different comments. And the link only has comments from users.

Defederation behaves in a very confusing way. It blocks interacting with a community, but not the content itself. You can see beehaw’s posts, they can see’s posts. Comments are not shared, and any posts to unfederated instances never leave the instances they were written on.

Y’all are missing the real tragedy of this situation. This api fiasco means the end of RTV, reddit terminal viewer, the world’s finest TTY compatible reddit client. The days of reading reddit on an electronic typewriter are over.