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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Exactly my point, I get the trolling aspect, but like… Seriously think about it for more then a moment lol.

A silly troll idea would be to do a non-hexigonal and non-bear related imagery lol.

Also work in finance and feel similarly, I oddly would feel really bad about leaving though, I have a wealth of intimate knowledge of how our systems work and answers for oddball questions no one else at my level at least would know, so… I feel guilty even wanting to leave. I know it’s not good but… Can’t help it lol

I do work with numbers a fair bit, excel helps a lot with keeping it all organized… ish

Hello it’s me, high functioning non medicated adhd (or some form of) person.

I do extremely well in my tech-centric job because of exactly what the post is talking about. I do fall short on longer term projects (forget about them until last minute) but most of my job is more in the moment, which works well for me and my skillset.

Edit: I guess that’s ultimately the thing right, it’s possible for the work or job to fit with an ADHD mind, but many jobs do not.

Agree, add in locking doors behind me when I go into a house lol, I do it in other people’s places and feel bad when I lock someone out lol

This just in, Atheists bash on the fundamental problems of religion and Islam has fundamental problems just like Christianity does, religious people can be good people obviously, but if they’re fundamentalists they’ve got some very fucked up views.