Pus. Damn GG Allin was right all along :(
Porkchop sandwiches
Useful update frequency is awesome!
Inception-level jealousy as an IOS user
tout est dans les détails…good luck with word order thing, changes with the side of The Atlantic you’re on(among other things)
Truth but we really need to vote, make ourselves strong and participate with principle. It sucks but someone has to do it.
Only the pure of heart and purpose may wipe it from their eyes
With no “foot-post” restrictions, can only be a matter of time
Good call. I love the mystery
Don’t disagree but shouldn’t we be frustrated w/ judges a d politicians here? The grocery store cashier didn’t set the price of the oranges
Do people listen to voicemails? I thought the icon was just a redirect to “missed calls”
It’s lonely being a supreme being, right SmarterChild
Pus. Damn GG Allin was right all along :(