Oh absolutely she has, it’s just all about trying to keep my inner child in check before I do something silly. She’s the matriarch of a house of boys so she generally takes a stance against silliness whereas I’m usually for it.
While she may make disparaging comments when I’m sat watching TV and doing my nails, she’s also said “I think you look really fit in that picture” about pictures where I’m in full blown Festival garb with my long hair (which she was against me growing) flowing down my back.
In fact, it’s got her going through her own clothes and starting to wear some stuff she usually wouldn’t too. I think she saw that I didn’t get my head kicked in like we did when we were kids and thought “huh”
I’m right there with you. I had been saying to my Wife I was gonna start wearing black nail varnish again at 39 and she basically said don’t.
Started a new job, bloke with a pretty long beard and hair down my back, some older guy takes me under his wing and basically tells me to just be myself, the company loves it. I was showing up to work in a black turtleneck to look a bit more professional and nice than I am.
I had smashed my nails in at work trapping my fingers and had 2 black nails anyway so I just went for it.
Now I’m rocking up to work in a leather jacket and Army boots, Management love me and they’ve taken me off the Agency books and onto theirs.
Not all that Gothy but I’m definitely embracing my inner child more, and Fuck what anyone thinks. I’ve had a team leader tell me I can wear a dress to work if I like lol
I was also nu metal and dressed the same, BAGGY jeans, wallet chains and skater trainers. We were “Moshers” where I was from.
Then there came a wave of boy bands with the Mosh aesthetic, like the music industry was trying to sell pop to Moshers. Good Charlotte was one of them.
This brought a whole new wave of kids into the fold, but they were drawn in by different music. These were the Emos and, like us Moshers, were generally frowned upon by those in for longer. The Metal Kids called us Moshers “Posers” or “Wanabees” and we treated Emos the same way.
Decades later my Mosh Wife I lovingly refer to as a Nemo for loving My Chemical Romance and say I’m “a bit Gothy” sometimes, it’s all just blended into the alternative subculture.
Most of my close friends are a bit older than me, part of the generation that called me a poser back in the day, and we still poke fun at each others taste in metal but we all headbang to all the tunes, it’s just Banter at this stage.
You act like you use the word Paleoscene like you know when it was.
I don’t.
I did however hear on the BBC News Podcast that Nerds are saying we should change the name of the period we’re in now to be the “Time of Man” and I realised that I have no idea what Epoch we are currently in.
So I thought I’d ask you. Then I’ll memorise your answer and be less dumb.
Please help.
Edit: I know how to use Google but this way is more fun sometimes.
Oh absolutely she has, it’s just all about trying to keep my inner child in check before I do something silly. She’s the matriarch of a house of boys so she generally takes a stance against silliness whereas I’m usually for it.
While she may make disparaging comments when I’m sat watching TV and doing my nails, she’s also said “I think you look really fit in that picture” about pictures where I’m in full blown Festival garb with my long hair (which she was against me growing) flowing down my back.
In fact, it’s got her going through her own clothes and starting to wear some stuff she usually wouldn’t too. I think she saw that I didn’t get my head kicked in like we did when we were kids and thought “huh”