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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


I think you’re going on a bit of a tangent I’m not interested in, sorry, but otherwise I’m not really following, and if you say things like “veganazis” it just reminds me of when people used to write “feminazis”.

But then you’re willingly admitting that you don’t speak to enough vegans to have an informed idea of their ethos, which is something I wouldn’t readily admit even if I did it. Not sure what your first point has to do with the matter at hand though.

There are certainly vegan diets.

Yes, and there are Muslim diets I’m sure, but Islam isn’t a diet either, for example. Just stick “veganism” into your search engine of choice and the credible sources won’t call it a diet.

And I don’t think being part of a small community of a certain life choice isn’t really making you a minority in the political sense

I’m arguing that they may not have meant that. The criticism should be “that’s clumsy wording because it sounds like you mean minority in a political sense” or “surely you don’t mean…” rather than “you’re comparing yourself to (minorities in the political sense) and therefore vegans are bad”.

Also, …

Honestly, I suspect your willingness to assume the worst of what a vegan’s said, and that you bring up a minority view even amongst vegans out of context, betrays a prejudgment that plays as much, if not more, of a role as how aggressively some vegans argue in how you’re approaching the whole thing.

Again, veganism isn’t a diet (this is painfully easy to find out if you just quickly look it up!) and if you interpret minority in a literal sense, it’s true and relevant because it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the majority if you’re in the minority, which is what the person posting seems to be worried about.

No, English is my first language, and all I’m saying is that you could’ve interpreted it the other way, which is plausible at the end of the day, and it’d be true, which is what it means to read something charitably/in good faith.

Most people aren’t vegan, so vegans are a minority. That’s not difficult to understand, so we have to assume you’re reading in bad faith. Stop it please.

Edit: veganism isn’t a diet either. Quite easy to find this out if you even stick the word into a search engine.