Besides, the world is not about prestige or world-reknown accomplishments. You should try to think about what you can fill your life with, or projects you can do, that would genuinely make you happy. Nobody else living their best life is stopping you from doing anything. Keep telling yourself that excelling over others is not where happiness or contentness comes from. It’s just fodder for your ego, which gets you nothing but bar fights.
Your life was always yours and it’s a shame when our upbringing doesn’t instill that in us.
isn’t that sort of what’s happening? she wants money for her work, and she won’t be able to live off of doing this if there is enough competition. this lady, insane as she is, isn’t the problem. it’s that finding something rewarding to do, and live off, isn’t easy. in fact, it is incredibly artificially hard
granted, i know nothing about this woman’s financial situation. im just speculating as to why she wouldn’t want to share her knowledge or expertise
i should really stop having adhd