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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


I was huge into stumble upon and even though that didn’t pan out the best thing it did was start off with the easiest most basic likable subs to click to follow to craft interests C/memes C/pics C/shitpost C/food

And then you use that to expand on to relatable subs and on and on until you’ve gotten as specific as possible .

Then users have 200 subs they’ve already subscribed to and have crafted a full experience for themselves. On reddit I followed like 50 subs for the first 2 years. I often scrolled through posts ad far as a week back and got bored. The moment I expanded and started actively looking at new subs regularly I was rarely getting past the day mark on a full scroll.

We also have to get rid of the porn posts on the regular scroll. That’s something that if I want to see I don’t want it to be the default and not on my main account. Let me get my scuzball on outside of my work scroll and when I’m not sitting at a table with friends wondering why there’s strap on porn on my phone.

I’ve been posting and commenting specifically to keep interactions alive in hopes people will see a bustling community and try it out!

I’ve been trying to figure this out too literally just found it in the settings>accounts> (yourname)>username