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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


As I say to all anarcho-capitalists: If you want to live on the land and not use any infrastructure whatsoever, then be my guest, you wouldn’t need to pay taxes if you don’t have any income 👍

Here’s a great series by AdamSomething for why arachocapitalism is stupid: https://youtu.be/HTN64g9lA2g

If you want to participate in society, taxes are the fees needed to keep it going. Funnily enough we live in a society with laws and concesequnces for breaking them.

If you live in the US, it’s understandable why taxes bother you because your infrastructure is crumbling, but that’s because your voting system sucks and you keep electing shitty governments. Taxes themselves aren’t to blame.

If you don’t pay your taxes and have any assets, will a court seize them if you refuse to pay? Sure. A private company can sue you if you don’t pay for services and a court may also seize assets if you lose and refuse to pay. Do you own the assets?

Yes, obviously.

Hey guys, I found the anarchocapitalist.

Slap stream drive could have gotten Voyager home early

As others have pointed out, it’s not just the Europeans (Australian here). But really it’s because of how prominent the US is. We can’t avoid them more often than we’d like.

Irks me as an engineer whenever I’m forced to use such an annoying set of units in my work. Btu/hr is especially awful. Like it’s got British right there in the name, how embarassing for a system of units touted to be patriotic.

(There are many reasons metic is better, but it’s a foregone conclusion at this point, so I’d rather focus on the petty reasons to soothe my frustration)

Then they also use 1000ths of an inch. Because fuck it, let’s just throw in a single base 10 unit.

Biggest dislike is lb-mol and Rankine. Like, it you’re gonna do science, use the metric system, Jesus. Ain’t no one gonna take you seriously using your off-brand clown units.

This isn’t a fair comparison because there’s nothing stopping you from being on Lemmy, and the same evening watching some YouTube.

Most US voting systems are first-the-post which results in the spoiler effect. They would be wasting their vote if they don’t vote one of the big two. (Other than areas which allow for proportional representation).

Don’t vote for a third-party present, or governor or whatever. Y’all need some preferential voting to make that work.

I don’t think this is a great argument. While the greed of corporations is in no doubt, and engage in unethical and annoying behaviour to fleece, us the users, of as much money as possible, work was still required to produce the product.

YouTubers for example work to produce videos, can anyone really claim we shouldn’t have to pay for their work? (sign up for direct support if you can afford it via things like Nebula)

I dunno, seems like a flimsy argument to me.

A better argument is that the companies are shit, fuck them, just steal it if you want to.

I think this logic is silly.

Employers don’t own you, so witholding wages for services you provided isn’t stealing. Getting a haircut and not paying isn’t stealing.

I think the better justification is: rights holders make it a pain in the arse to access content affordably, so fuck you, just going to steal it.

Because of the Reddit migration, 196 is coming up in my Lemmy feed a lot, I have no idea what it is (because you haven’t made a description).

This could be your chance to gain more community members if you update your description