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Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I usually just improvise and wing it. It stresses my husband out I think. He likes to plan. 😆

I feel this in my soul. I have all these hobbies I want to do, and I keep finding more and I keep buying stuff for said hobbies but barely actually manage to do any of them. Same reason I have never been able to decide on a career…to many things I want to do. I genuinely want to do these things, I have officially overwhelmed myself I think. So instead I sit here and waste time on my phone.

Yes! Omg…people ask me what they think is a simple question about said hobby completely unaware of the absolute storm that is about to be unleashed upon them. For example, someone asks me a simple how do you keep this plant alive…well you now are going to learn where it is native too, what the climate is like, it’s life cycle and blooming characteristics, its evolution and taxonomy, pollinators and oh don’t forget about the diseases and pests it gets and oh! Let’s talk about soil chemistry…and mushrooms! Fungus are fascinating and network with plants…anyways, you get the idea. And suddenly they are trying to exit the conversation, and im like wait nooo, i have more. 😆

my friend has seen me do this to so many people and she just sits there with an amused look when she knows it’s about to happen. So glad someone gets entertainment out of it.

Hate that this has to be a worry. Makes it harder for people that actually need help to get help. If I was drug seeking there are easier options than going for a freaking adhd assessment. Oh well, try not to stress over it, and I know it’s hard not too but you can always go to another Dr. Just makes it a pain in the ass. Good luck of you do decide to go through with it.

Pizza for breakfast, skipped lunch and now my husband is making fajitas for dinner. I am thankful he feeds me. Lol. If not for him I would probably forget to eat half the time and then wonder why I feel like crap. Or I would live off chips and beef Jerky or something dumb like that.

Mohkiato[email protected]Stoner

I am not diagnosed but have good reason to suspect I have adhd so I am in the process of trying to get a diagnosis. This is kind of it for me too. My brain never shuts up. Weed slowed my mind down and of course made me feel good like you said. I actually had moments if i didnt overdo it where it gave me motivation to actually do something with myself. Fine line though on the amount, kind of needed to microdose for that affect. Otherwise it just numbed me to my own issues and kind of made me not care. Only reason I quit is because my problems i wasn’t dealing with started to catch up with me and I hit a really bad depressive state that kind of scared me after literally everything was crashing in on me. Maybe eventually I will use it recreational again but for now I’m staying away and trying to get real help.

I lost so much freaking weight after I quit. I had zero appetite and had to force myself to eat the bit I did. It was like I was going through a depression or something. But yes, 2 weeks sounds about howblong the worst of it was for me too.

I hear you on the meds. I’m not sure I’m to enthused about those but people keep saying they help so I don’t know. I also know I need to change my behavioral habits I’ve developed over the years but it’s not easy. Just going to go with whatever the psychiatrist says and gk from there. I’m just so tired of my own crap at this point. And yeah, weed made it easier to just be. And I don’t think you have to take medication if you don’t want too. Don’t think they will force it on you.

Used weed for the past 20ish years to make my damned brain shut up and for sleep issues. I quit about 4 months ago after the realization that I might have adhd. Wanted to see if things got better after stopping. They really didn’t. I had no clue that this could be the source of my issues until recently so now I’m over here waiting for an appointment. Self medication and drug/alcohol use is apparently really common with undiagnosed adhd. But damned do I miss it. The first couple weeks where rough, and i do feel like I was having some withdrawal effects from quitting despite people saying it’s not addictive. It was literally giving me easy dopamine so your comment makes alot of sense.

As thebannanaking has said, for sure seek out help if you are struggling. I think that is the big indicator as to whether they will diagnose you. The symptoms have to be prevalent in your life. Personally if it helps put it in perspective, I’ve kind struggled most my life, a whole lot of fail if i am going to be honest. no clue why, never even thought about adhd until my boss literally sat me down after I almost got fired like 6 months ago and listed out a whole crapton of what I later found out where adhd symptoms. I’ve been struggling real bad lately with not just work but pretty much all areas of my life and so now I’m trying to navigate our crappy Healthcare system and get help. Better late than never I guess. So really what I’m trying to say is if you are having problems please seek help. Don’t be like me and not deal with it for way to many years.

Haha! I had someone tell me their name a few weeks ago. Kinda sounded like coffee so his name is now coffee. Can’t for the life of me remember his actual name and I’ve asked numerous times. I usually just hope that I don’t get in a situation where I need to know their name. Fun times. At least we can laugh about it.

All the freaking time. Like my brain is like “hey! I’m going to talk! I like talking!” And then suddenly turns on itself and is all “what where you thinking dumbass!? You are just going to make an idiot of yourself again” So then I delete my comment and scroll on. Trying to be better on lemmy so here is my comment.