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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Its how they did it for the Possum Festival in Florida when I was growing up, so its a thing, But I can’t imagine anyone would do it just cause they like possum though.

You have to catch the possum first, then corn feed it for about a month or two to get the nasty taste out of the meat before you eat it. So basically, turn it into a pet, then kill and eat it.

There’s parts of the Florida Panhandle where opossum is a serious delicacy. They even have a festival in August.

I grew up eating squirrel. Its very common in rural areas,

Everything about Star Wars proves its a space fantasy. I mean, its got wizards in it!

“I shudder to think about the idea of emails becoming subscription services though.”

You mean like in the 90s? Hell I remember paying 25 cent per email on Prodigy back in the day…

If they want to communicate with META, they can fucking go to META. Is that too difficult?

I won’t be forced to do shit. I dont want to communicate with their users.