• 6 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 02, 2023


TIL .sh is a valid TLD

seems a dangerous idea, even worse than .zip (I clicked on your title and i went to visit http://hello-world.sh)

Because that’s a docker container on a “busy” server (mostly WordPress wasting cycles generating pages for some bots that really have to visit my blog over and over and over and over)

(Top from inside the container)

That’s weird. I closed the docker on that specific machine (ryzen 5), copied the docker-compose directory (=same config) on an i5-6500T and now it’s using just 0.1% of CPU time.

Go back to ryzen and it’s 8% again 🤷

I tried to delete and recreate the container, but there's still this insane power consumption. For comparison, cloudflared doing a tunnel to hundreds of users takes 0.06% of CPU time on the same server

Crossbox is not bad but for individual usage it’s too expensive, the pricing is for sysadmins with hundreds of users

one year ago it was unbearably slow AND it copied hundred of thousands of emails on the database clogging everything, did it drastically improve?

I didn’t see any product on linode or do that are cheap like this (prices are yearly, not monthly)

Didn’t really use it, as I think there’s too much overhead and if used as intended it counts as abuse on a free email account (too many messages sent/received in a burst) - that’s why I wanted to self host that mailboxes


I was searching exactly for this! I wanted to run a mail server for fun between a few users (Delta chat) but I didn’t want to have a full VM dedicated to that, just a docker

The guy has a map of his home address on his home page?

Seems a bold strategy

Using bare metal install? I always cried when I had to apply updates, but now that I moved on the docker image , I don’t get problems when updating (knocking wood)

But then it’s Instagram without users. Maybe pointless unless some specific edge cases

With a very small library it’s fine using the “memories” app, but I noticed in my experiments that adding thousands of pictures is a miserable experience

Yes but it costs almost like 2TB of Google photos + you need to take care of backups, updates, maintenance…

The main advantage is that it isn’t Google, but the price point imho it’s too high for something that I need to manage for family use

Anyone using “docker run” instead of “docker compose”?
For the vast majority of docker images, the documentation only mention a super long and hard to understand "docker run" one liner. Why nobody is placing an example docker-compose.yml in their documentation? It's so tidy and easy to understand, also much easier to run in the future, just set and forget. If every image had an yml to just copy, I could get it running in a few seconds, instead I have to decode the line to become an yml I want to know if it's just me that I'm out of touch and should use "docker run" or it's just that an "one liner" looks much tidier in the docs. Like to say "hey just copy and paste this line to run the container. You don't understand what it does? Who cares" The worst are the ones that are piping directly from curl to "sudo bash"...

Invidious, find one instance that allows user registration (don’t use your Google account info)

No, what’s that

But I don’t really like the idea of relying on something that today Oracle gives for free. Tomorrow?

Or why get a nuc when you can get a decommissioned Enterprise sff PC like a thinkcentre tiny for a quarter of the price

isn’t that an UPS but in a different shape?

Is outline VPN still a good option to host?
In a few months I need to go in an authoritarian country for work and I need a VPN. Last time (2018) the only one it worked reliably was outline based on a self hosted VM. But went back to see and it looks like abandoned. Link rot in home page if I select my language, no docker install in 2023 and the fact that was developed by Google is a big negative sign (not because of privacy issues, but because they get bored with their project, they abandon them and start an identical but incompatible one) There are better alternatives in 2023? I need to have as most chances to connect to the uncensored internet as otherwise I can't work and my 2 weeks work trip becomes a 2 weeks vacation where I can't even check my email or work chat

No, keep them ungrouped, migration to a new server is much easier, otherwise you need to migrate everything everywhere all at once

You can have the same effect (connect to the named container) if you create a docker network and place everything on the same network

How, with a couple of hba I can connect connect easily dozens of sata SSDs to a consumer motherboard, while doing the same with nvme drives not exactly as easy or cheap

I also thought that way in the beginning, but then disaster recovery is too inconvenient and will take weeks to set everything to your standards, while with raid you just replace the drive and go

Not to mention that “temporary” directory that was supposed to last one week and wasn’t included in the backup script, but then happened to last several months holding important files

i agree that the GDPR is a good thing, it’s just the cookie bar concept is aesthetically unpleasant

It’s bad because it’s ruining the web. I hate it so much, it’s killing the aesthetics of any website

And anyway I don’t trust the site owner to actually do something if I choose “reject”, I just use my browser option to reject the cookies and so on

I considered for my blog to run nodebb with the blog comments plugin

What do you think?

That talkyard seems cool

Is it difficult to run?

I was remembering it was abandoned? Someone forked it as commento++

The biggest advantage of a static site is that it doesn’t need to have that “cookie bar” bs that the eu is forcing everyone down the throat. Disqus nullifies this point

Right now the price increased by a big margin, I wonder if at renewal it will keep it or not

It’s technically possible with yunohost or unraid but i pretend that doesn’t exist: the apps will eventually break after an automatic update. The fix is usually easy with basic terminal skills but if everything is under a GUI…

Also, if the admin has no idea how it works, it means it has no idea where the data is saved, that means it has no idea how to make backups. No backups = all data is on time bomb

“just execute this oneliner as root, so easy”

But this will just publish the file and don’t translate to a SMB path that I can directly access from computers

Lol my “fix” is a scheduled task that reboots the windows VM every night

Something to search files in my LAN?
At the moment i use a super hacky and unstable setup where multiple instances of [everything](https://www.voidtools.com/) in ETP server mode run under a windows core VM, and *when it works*, it works fine. But sometimes it stops updating the index, sometimes it just crashes, sometimes serves the wrong db, and so on. So: there's a better way? Maybe a web app? Possibly with multiple users, some directories are only for me and not for the rest of the family. The solution can be also paid (but with a reasonable price as this is for personal use and i can't justify the $$$ for an enterprise solution)

Can see clearly, this server is much slower than yesterday, like if thousands of users are switching here

it’s almost impossible that some state sponsored attacker will waste a 0day to attack random people downloading the latest movie from torrent. And when it happens all the news will talk about it