Mossy Feathers (She/They)


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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


No offense intended, but… Attempting to create Harry Potter themed communities while JK Rowling holds the rights to them, on a social media platform with a huge trans/enby population, doesn’t seem like it would go very far.

As much as I enjoy Harry Potter, fuck Rowling and I will be looking forward to the day she dies or sells the IP.

While you have a point, my immediate reaction was, “oh cool, now they’re trying to do it too” (I’ve seen tankies claim the same shit). When I probe my brain to try and figure out why that was a response, the result is my brain telling me that I’m hearing some kind of dog whistle but it won’t go into more detail about what makes that statement sound like a dog whistle.

Tbh, considering how unhinged they’re behaving (though at this point I think they’re doing it for shits and giggles), I wouldn’t be surprised if they truly meant it that way; it honestly wouldn’t be the first time I’ve seen someone on here try to claim something like that. I suppose that doesn’t mean they intended to mean it that way, now I’m curious if anyone else had a similar interpretation. I’m used to hearing people referring to racial, or gender, or ethnic minorities when they say something like, “I’m part of a misunderstood minority group”; and I know I’ve heard people from other english-speaking countries (other than the US) do it as well.

This might be a language barrier thing, but in most english-speaking countries when you use the term “minority” to refer to a group of people, that typically refers to a group who is a minority based on race, sex, ethnicity, gender or some other inherent trait. You might say, “a small community” to refer to a group within a group, but you wouldn’t say, “a minority community” for that unless you were trying to imply that the community in question was a racial, ethnic, gender, or other form of minority.

I’m pretty it’s Beaver. I’m now banned (and I appear to be blocked by Beaver as well) and I’m pretty sure the only recent direct interaction I’ve had with the community was downvoting the recent articles about how vegan diets are okay for carnivorous pets.

Yeah, but c’mon, that’s Floridaman. He’s a meth head who’d murder someone because he wanted to fuck an alligator and thought he needed a human sacrifice to do it.

Oh boy, it looks like they’re posting the “you should feed your obligate carnivorous pets a fully vegan diet” garbage again.


Trying to paint your special diet group as a minority group is kinda fucking offensive. People get murdered, raped, beaten, abused, fired, divorced, jailed, tortured, sent to re-education camps, and so on, for being black, or LGBT, or Hispanic, or Muslim, or whatever. Vegans though? No. Unlike the other examples, vegans don’t get murdered for something you were born with; they don’t have entire continents who want to murder them. They just get ridiculed, and tbh, nowadays most of the ridicule is due to their garbage attitudes and nothing to do with the diet itself.

Thanks for the help, but I couldn’t find anything like that on mine. Not sure why.

Yeah, I can see that. Though tbh I’d probably understand what you’re referring to as I’d consider a muscle PC as being something like a workstation PC. Something with a crazy powerful CPU or GPU, but lacking in the other department because it’s built with CPU or GPU heavy tasks in mind. Then, a kart PC would be something like an Arduino or Raspberry pi, and a drag PC would be something like an ASIC.

I imagine the same kinds of people into car modding are also into modding other things. It probably isn’t a huge overlap, but there are a lot of commonalities between the two. Additionally, a lot of Linux nerds also tend to be weebs and might have picked it up from Initial D or some other anime (never watched Initial D, but from the little I know about it, it’d make sense if the term appeared in it). The result is that it probably came from bleedover between the communities.

I get the feeling you completely ignored the point if my comment and likely aren’t arguing in good faith, but fuck it, I’ll bite:

Nah, fuck hexbear for getting offended on the behalf of others. If I saw asian-americans consistently getting offended by it then I’d feel differently because sometimes when you’re in a marginalized community you need a signal boost; but in this case most people don’t know and/or don’t care, including a lot of asian-americans.

The context behind this view is that I’m a member of the LGBT community, and the number of times I’ve seen people get offended on our behalf regarding things we don’t really care about is way too high, especially when it comes to members voluntarily using anti-lgbt slurs, either as an ironic statement or in an attempt to own them. Just because a word has a racist history doesn’t mean it can’t change.

Additionally, fuck hexbear in general for being tankies and using the LGBT community as a shield (among other things, like “brigading” meta posts in other instances that have anything to do with them, despite their own instance admins telling them not to). I dunno if you missed the drama, but they decided to beef with the owners of and then tried to claim that hexbear was LGBT-friendly and that members were basically suffering from Stockholm syndrome whenever anyone tried to criticize them.

Iirc’s admins are both trans-women who created the instance to be an LGBT safe space.

That incident alone severely damaged my opinion of hexbear. At first they were just annoying, but that made me hate them.

My biggest issue with discussions like this is how people insist that words can’t change their meaning or leave their roots behind. How many people knew that “ricer” was racist though? Isn’t that a good example of how a (potentially) racist term can leave behind its racist origins? Now, to be clear, I always thought “ricing” referred to tacky cars inspired by the Japanese modding community that were all visuals, no muscle, which means it could be considered mildly racist in that context. However it was my interpretation that they were called ricers because they look interesting but are white, cheap and bland underneath (still racist, but going in the other direction).

How many people didn’t think it had any racist origins whatsoever though? How many people thought it was something else? Why are we so hellbent on enforcing the racist, sexist, whateverist history of these terms? It’s understandable when someone gets upset over a word that’s regularly used within the context of an -ism (like the n-word), but if a word has become so disconnected from its original meaning that no one is getting offended by it, why in gods name are you trying to reassociate it with something offensive!? Let it stay dead. What the fuck is wrong with you? At that point, you’re taking a term which lost its status as a slur, and turning it back into a slur. WHYYYY? The only reason I can imagine someone doing something like that is for they either A) want pity points, or B) you’re wanting to revive it as a slur under the guise of “social awareness” so you can use it yourself.

Edit: oh yeah, and obligatory “fuck hexbear”. Quite honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if they want more slurs to hurl because I get the feeling there are a lot of them that probably have exploding heads secondary accounts.

Edit 2: There’s also the fact that, from what I’ve seen, there’s some disagreement on where the term originated from. One speculated origin is from “riceburner”, which was a derogatory term for Asian cars before they became seen as being high-quality and highly dependable. Another, however, is that it’s a portmanteau of “rich” and “racer”, referring to someone who has a lot of money but little knowledge when it comes to what actually makes a modded car “good”. Either way, it’s been genericized to the point where it seems silly to get offended over it, as a “ricer” can be someone of any ethnicity. is run by trans women. That’s the thing that weirds me out the most. The owners are trans but hexbear is trying to make it sound like they’re some kinda Nazi anti-lgbt crowd.

Edit: all I can say is that I’m glad that my doesn’t seem to be federated with hexbear.

I like how the dude in the middle daintily places his head on his hands at the end.

I worked at a theater for almost 2 years. Never learned the names of all the managers which was kinda amazing considering I was (unofficially) accountable to all of them (I was a projectionist, I was only technically accountable to my manager, but I had to fulfill any projection or technical needs the other managers had). I only knew the names of my manager, one of the women at the box office (she was really nice and the only one who regularly said hi when she saw me come in, and bye when she saw me leave), and then about 2 or 3 other managers.

Names are hard, except when they aren’t. I only remember names if it’s something my brain decides is important. Not if I think it’s important, if my brain thinks it’s important. My brain usually doesn’t think it’s important.

You wanna hear something horrifying? No? Too bad!

The 3rd largest nuclear accident in human history happened on US soil, but it wasn’t Three Mile Island. A tailings pond used by a United Nuclear Corporation uranium mill broke and released over 1,000 tons of nuclear material and nearly 100m gallons of contaminated water into the Puerco river and surrounding land.

The disaster happened in Church Rock, New Mexico a few months after TMI occurred, so it should have had national attention since nuclear accidents were still fresh in everyone’s minds. However, most people don’t know about it. Why? Because it happened next to a Navajo reservation, and the people primarily effected were Navajo. The US government pretended it didn’t happen until the 1990s, and refused to clean it up until the early 2000s. In the meantime, cancer and diabetes have skyrocketed in a community without any genetic history of the diseases, the dust on the reservation has become contaminated and blown all over the place.

Oh yeah, and the UNC built another tailings pond, but this time they decided not to line it so now the groundwater is contaminated too.

Some more info here