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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


True, but if we agree that every second is too frequent, but that every day is too sparse (maybe?), then the question becomes one of optimizing the choice of what frequency would be best for whatever outcome.

Like if it was every 5 minutes, that would cut down on the amount of traffic 5-fold, and still give 12 checks every hour. If we do not expect checks to fail, that may still be 6-12-fold more often than necessary. Or a check every 10 minutes is still “many checks per hour”, and yet does not blow up the traffic stats 10-fold more than necessary to get a “desirable” outcome.

There are also additional costs to consider when doing a check every minute: that is 1440 checks every 24 hours! Data must be stored, CPU time spent, waste heat is generated (it is not exactly exasperating climate change but it is not not doing that either!), etc. Whereas if a check every 10 minutes is used, then the same number of checks would span a 10-day timeframe. Depending on whatever else the machine is doing (gaming? other server checks?), it reduces the load 10-fold and something that much may even change things on a qualitative rather than merely quantitative basis.

Well, it was a thought for consideration at any rate.

Every one minute seems… excessive. I know this is social media but still, what would be bad about reducing that to like once per hour, to reduce the load across the entire Fediverse?

Pro-Tip: Hit the enemies to win!

(Hint: yes this is a real quote from a real game…:-)

What’s really weird - and I hope you take some comfort in this rather than be offended - is that you stand with Jesus in thinking that. I know, extremely ironic right?! :-P

“Do not heap heavy burdens upon others without offering to lift a finger to help them…”, “Pay the worker their due wages, immediately not waiting until some other day…”, “Consider the poor and alien among you as one of your own…”, a lot of Christians would be shocked, Shocked I tell you, SHOCKED (well, they shouldn’t be all that shocked) to find out what lays hidden in that B-I-B-L-E that so many claim to cherish.

Like somehow the church-going, cis-het family-man with 2.3 kids and a picket fence Obama is the Spawn of Satan while the oh-so-pious Donald tRump who shits on gold toilets and doesn’t even drive his own car in NYC but instead flies above the common man on a heli is “God’s Man”, as well as a “true man of the people”, “he gets us”? (to be clear: by “us” I mean “them”) Uh… nope. The Bible has a few things to say about False Doctrine as well… flee from it!

So like, even if you believed in hell, and in fact all the more so if you do, then that’s all the more reason to not be a bigoted asshole, not less!

Jesus was okay with honest sinners - but the ones he HATED the most (in fact, the ONLY ones He hated), with an absolute PASSION even, where the Karens of His day, aka the “super-Christians” of the time, loudmouthed bigots who literally killed Him b/c he kept trying to like feed the poor and shit, claiming that they were just as good as the Religious Leaders (and in fact way better).

Spoiler alert: most people don’t really have faith, especially the ones screaming at you loudly how much they have it.

When you realize that, you’ll see that people are a lot more similar across all religions - authentic/thinking people from any background at all on one side, vs. those who merely “inherit” their beliefs without every really challenging them at all on the other.

Right now there are many people leaving a religion and going to atheism so much like lemmy/kbin it has that “early-generation” ring to it, but give it a few hundred years and dumb people who inherit it will just as dumbly smash others over the head with that non-religion as people have for countless millennia with past religions.

My advice: KEEP QUESTIONING! If you happened to come from a Christian or Muslim background, there is 1 Thessalonians 5:21 that literally commands that, therefore asking questions is in no way contradictory to whatever “faith” means - and anyway how could someone have that if they did not even know what it meant?

Remember to find a balance. You might have been doing the right things for the wrong reasons. Questioning is good…

If you’ve trained your brain to think that certain things are “rewarding”, like social media, then it can take a LONG time to retrain otherwise. Addictive behaviors were designed to be addictive, in order to entrap people for the sake of selling their user stats to advertising platforms. And corporations such as Reddit, Twitter, YouTube and Facebook, plus whole entire industries of like gaming, magazines, cheap easy-to-write novels and so on, aren’t going to change their ways just b/c it is literally hurting people - they have needs too! (their CEO would really like to buy a brand-new jet every year, one presumes)

Sometimes you gotta do something even if it is not fun, for a LONG while, before it starts to be rewarding. Other times it does not even need doing, and it can be rewarding then to take a break and NOT do it (the trap there being when to resume it?). Still other times you can find a way to MAKE it fun - like listening to music while cleaning? Yet still other times, the advice to do it is actually wrong to begin with, and you are better off not to - like iirc it is actually healthier to leave your bed exposed to the air when you wake up to allow it to dry and kill any tiny mites (they are impossible to eradicate completely, sorry if you don’t want to think about it but they literally live on your skin and on all surfaces on planet earth, it’s totally normal), rather than cover it up. Of course, some thing you simply MUST do or else face the consequences… fun or not, like keep your job, which provides money, which then you can spend on things that you enjoy. But what consequences are there to not vacuuming often, really? Maybe if built-up dust makes you sneeze? In that case, you would vacuum not b/c you enjoy it but b/c it helps you not suffer those symptoms later. Thinking through each such task and taking ownership of it, deciding whether you want to or not, and at what frequency, can be really enjoyable, b/c it is quite empowering.

In the meantime, I would say it is most important to be kind to yourself - it (life) is a process, and you gotta get through it, one day at a time. Also, when all else fails it may help to try to keep hold of just ONE thing - like brushing your teeth before bed, or even just flossing and skipping the rest - and if you can do that, that at least gives you a long-term satisfaction that it is SOMETHING, rather than nothing. And then find something that you can enjoy - like if you don’t enjoy running on a treadmill, yet you want to exercise somehow, then maybe try a sport, perhaps playing with a friend? Piece by piece you can put those activities together to build up to something that you will be proud of, though you can never totally eliminate pain - it just does not work that way.

A fantastic answer, though I’ll add that OP is likely unaware that the vast majority of the “growth” on Lemmy is actually due to bot accounts. Which is somewhat irrelevant as it is still an enormous platform even after accounting for that.

Also I saw that r/ModCoord leaned more towards Lemmy, seemed somewhat biased against Kbin, and was reportedly enormously biased against Squabbles even to the point of deleting posts trying to talk about it (which not being able to check deleted posts anymore, I did not try to verify). That would make sense then that that could be why people heard about Lemmy before hearing about Kbin.

Plus the mobile app too - although I’m mostly happy with the browser view of kbin (for reading, though writing comments in it is a huge pain).

There are no “thoughts” behind that, and anything other than that would be “communism” (actually the word used would be socialism, but that exactly and precisely equals communism by those who would say that, leaving no room at all for interpretation, nuance, or subtlety, most especially how the most revered USA institutions are socialist i.e. sharing like schools, the post office prior to it being crippled 40 some odd years ago, police, firefighters, etc.).

I find it ironic that the situation with Reddit is starting to parallel the decline of US democracy - it’s crumbling, but nobody cares. Sorry, I didn’t mean to get all political - but it’s hard not to when you talk about things like this, b/c that’s what governs our laws, at any scale.

if advanced technical skills are the price to privacy, all but the technocratic elite are walled off from freedom

I also seem to recall that you need to know how to drive a car in order to operate one safely? Where does this entitlement come from that you shouldn’t need to know anything in order to benefit from the hard work of others?

Anyway, how hard is it to heat up pizza in an oven, to assemble a cake/cookies/etc. from a pre-made mix, or to follow any set of simple instructions really? The bare minimum requirements to get an instance off the ground probably are not all that high, and if there was a demand for such then people could even make installer packages (I would guess that the complexities come from configuration options and such, like which OS are you running, and from maintenance operations, etc., but those too could be streamlined, much easier than making cars self-driving).

Anything is possible, if there is interest in making it happen.

Some mods are bad people. Some users are bad people. Some mods are great people. Some users are great people. Same with Reddit admins.

It’s fantastic to have choices where we go and what we can do:-).