~~YouTube disagrees: https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI?si=GrQwQMAqzup88i3N~~
Edit: missed the “hit” in “hit song”
Also davon abgesehen dass die Truppe vom Namen her gegen Geothermie ist:
Was hat der Artikel oder die Demo mit Geothermie zu tun? An allen Stellen ist vom Lithiumabbau die Rede; und der ist nunmal bekanntermaßen potentiell stark Umweltschädlich.
Meines Erachtens müsste der Titel schlicht “Bürgerinitiative in Neustadt wehrt sich gegen Litiumabbau” lauten; und während ich über Geothermie-Gegner nur den Kopf schütteln würde so finde ich den Protest gegen eine Lithiummine in der Nachbarschaft jetzt nicht unbedingt verwerflich.
I love chillin’ with other ADHD’ers: most understand if you zone out and tell them that.
My colleagues also accept a “sry, that may sound a bit stupid; but my brain just cannot focus on this topic right now. I’ll come back to that later or tomorrow” (and as long as it’s occasional even a “sry, but my brain cannot do that at all. Can someone else please do this?”)
I got a kitchen machine that does it for me. I can even forget my food without any chance of burning it. Worst case it’s cold.
Again, this is a problem I only have with neurotypicals; no problem along fellow neurodivergentd
Again just something that normal society expects. I have one single appointment per day I can’t miss (start-of-day-meeting). Everything else is movable most of the time. I don’t meet people at certain times, I meet them “that afternoon” and we will write each other when we’re ready
I know many neurotypicals that cannot do that.
Nothing to say against these points, actually…
What I want to say is that most of the problems you listed are based on the expectations of neueotypicaldom. All of my friends and some of my colleagues are neurodivergent (most ADHD, some ASD, some both, I’m both) and honestly: As long as I don’t have to interact with the neurotypical world I don’t run in that much problems. It’s still not perfect, but way more manageable.