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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


I’d be more than fine with this, I just don’t want us to hate mosquitoes into a four pests scenario.

Unfortunately, we probably can’t. A LOT of things eat mosquitos.

I’ll settle for a repellent that works or better yet something that makes me no longer react to bites.

Log in as her on your device. Delete the history, turn off ad personalisation, unsubscribe and block dodgy stuff, like and subscribe healthier things, and this is the important part: keep coming back regularly to tell YouTube you don’t like any suggested videos that are down the qanon path/remove dodgy watched videos from her history.

Also, subscribe and interact with things she’ll like - cute pets, crafts, knitting, whatever she’s likely to watch more of. You can’t just block and report, you’ve gotta retrain the algorithm.

Is this not basically what google and Microsoft do with their stuff, minus the subscribe even though they aren’t there yet bit? It’s your meta account, regardless if you’re using that particular feature?

I am shocked by this turn of events. Shocked I say.

How easy is it to migrate yourself from one to another?