Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
Idk. There have been cases where people have regretted having the treatment. They are few compared to the number of people who think that the treatment was the best thing they ever did, but they do exist. I guess that being trans might cause some effects, like people being mean and bigoted or just the stress of knowing that you don’t fit in to what society seem to expect you to. I think prioritizing mental support through therapy might be a good start before the physical treatment. It will be good for both those that would regret the treatment but also for those that will get all sorts of weird interactions with others during the transition.
… is this the comment you’re talking about?
Kind of. Ever since I was diagnosed with ADHD, I’ve reinterpreted some of my lifelong habits, and I think for me my urge to chip in is at least partially ADHD related. My attention continuously refocuses, which means it continuously refocuses on whatever is going on at the moment - which makes anyone requesting help, even if not specifically from me, extremely hard for me to ignore.
Every time my attention jumps away and then jumps back, it’s like getting hit with the help request brand new, so it’s much easier to try to address the need for help than try to ignore it popping up in my head every ten seconds from now 'til the issue is resolved on someone else’s initiative.
I don’t have any real advice, other than to try to see a psych if you can (it takes a lot of the burden off if you get medicated and therapy - not all, but a lot) but I wanted to let you know you aren’t alone here. I spent my 20s in much the same way - spending… more time than I care to admit getting mediocre grades in college and fighting my mental health every step of the way. Always felt like a failure, like I wasted my potential. Hell, I still feel that.
Spent most of my 20s living with my grandparents and loathing myself. Didn’t get out until the tail-end of my 20s, and even that was half-luck. Getting out… helped. I still struggled with depression and suicide, but a lot of self-recrimination ended once I had some manner of independence. And hell, I never held down a steady job through all of my 20s. You aren’t alone. It’s not some exceptional failing of you or your character. And it’s not hopeless. I hope (ha) that doesn’t sound too patronizing. It’s hard to tack between acknowledging the seriousness of your issue and your struggle while trying to emphasize that triumph is still possible.
Guess all I can really say is, as a survivor of multiple suicide attempts, suicide is… not as appealing as it might first seem in the heat of the moment.
I am cis and have mentioned that before on Lemmy; they may have seen that.