German, Dad, GM , Mini Painter, 3D Printer, dysfunctional gifted kid - he/him
Just a normal alarm timer app.
Forget appointments? Lose track of time when doing things? I set timers. Most apps allow recurring timers. For example I got one going off twice each day to remind me to drink some water.
I gotta leave in 40 minutes so I got some time to read or whatever. If I don’t set an alarm I’ll lose track of time and be late. Easy fix.
As far as habits go.
Be honest with myself about my shortcomings. If I start gaming at 9 pm it won’t be half an hour. Be honest. Go to bed now or accept it will be midnight.
No, I won’t just do that later. I will forget. Write it down or do it now. Else I will forget.
I do make more deliberate choices on what I expose myself to content and general life experience wise. Because when it comes down to it I don’t have a say in where the next hyperfixation takes me.
For example I am staying the hell away from trading card games because I enjoy being able to pay my rent.
I will usually just acknowledge it without giving an explanation. People will almost always accept that. Examples.
Oh I think I just got carried away there. Let’s take a step back. Do you have any questions?
Hey I think I got a bit too excited about the project for a sec. I hope that wasn’t too much.
It’s usually fine and takes the awkwardness out of the situation if there was any. And it shows people you realized what was going on. That’s usually all they need to hear. No apology and no justifications or explanations needed. I found those would often just make it worse rather than better. Just be brief and move on. The longer you stay in the topic of an awkward situation the more it will stay awkward.
Dad of a very active daughter here. I know the feeling exactly.
Two things helped me and her mom immensely.
For the keeping our of trouble part it is such much better to set up a safe enclosed environment for her to explore safely rather than running after her. We made the living room child safe.
The other thing is I changed to prepping everything for my morning routine in the evening. For the same reason you described. It only gets worse when they don’t sleep through the night so I was very happy I did.
I haven’t found a way to actually rest properly. Closest I come is doing something which requires Littles focus, has basically no state of failure but is still satisfying to me.
For me that’s painting miniatures. I can remove the paint and repaint if I don’t like the result. It requires focus but for me very little and it allows me to rest my mind or listen to a podcast or music while doing so.
Few other activities work for me. Video games can work but only if the game is super chill and requires little focus like Dorfrimantik for example. Or turn based games on general such as civilization. But there is still the addiction issue you talked about.
But overall it’s tough. Actually resting also makes me depressed. I need to do stimulating activities to keep my mind healthy. That issue is especially noticeable when any job makes me too exhausted or eats all my time to do my hobbies.
Yeah that is the dumb “whoever gets angry is wrong” mantra I meant. It’s an injustice in itself that is so absolutely stupid. It means if you hurt someone enough to make them angry, you win. What kind of behavior does that reward in society? Self-control by the person being provoked and being an absolute asshole by anyone wanting to “win” an argument.
Thank you for your well thought out comment!
What’s funny about Jordan Peterson is that while I rarely agree with him, he does not make me angry because I believe he argues in good faith. Imo he actually does believe what he says and I wouldn’t blame anyone for that. I came to that conclusion by watching quite a bit of his material and even reading his twelve rules book. So I believe my opinion is well-founded. But it definitely confirms your snake example in a way.
In general I don’t think I am quick to judge at all. That’s probably why after I get angry I will often regret the extent of my rage but rarely feel it was fully unjustified.
When it comes to looking for where it hurts, yeah, sure. Lies and people being deliberately unfair and reckless, selfish has hurt me in the past. And when it happens again I get angry as a defensive mechanism. I am fully aware. And other people do their shit because of what they have experienced. So far it has not helped me control it better to know that.
I get angry quite often so I don’t really feel it is bottled up. More like there is an infinite amount of it.
As for age and all basically they are out of the picture.
I feel like it’s also getting worse with age. Maybe I’m becoming more bitter and cynical as I experience life and the world around me.
And while I so far have always been able to not do more than yell. It has been close a few times.
I don’t think anger is bad. It shows you when something is wrong for you. But the intensity is too much almost all the time.
It requires less consistency I think. You have to set it up once. Then you have to input each time you get more meds to update your stock. That isn’t too often either but you need to be consistent in that.
In return you don’t need to remember by yourself when to get new meds. And you don’t need to remember all by yourself to take your meds everyday, maybe even multiple times a day.
Sounds like a good deal to me.
Only thing that works for me is to never go shopping hungry. That way I am able to not buy unhealthy food and snacks. So if I want to eat or snack there are no unhealthy options.
So either I’m actually hungry and will eat what is there. Or I’m not that hungry. Also there is no chance my lazy ass is going to go and get any snacks even if I feel like I really want them.
Ach deren Bestechern… Ich meine sugar daddies… Ach nee warte Lobbyisten ist das Wort. Denen fällt dann sicher noch etwas ein. Irgendwo ist bestimmt noch eine kapital und Unternehmenssteuer die gesenkt werden könnte. Oder ein Arbeitnehmerrecht welches man aufheben sollte.
Am Ende leben wir dann in den USA.
Das kann ich gut verstehen. Für mich habe ich das anders gelöst. Hauptsächlich da die Spieleauswahl auf dem PC mir mehr zusagt.
Ich hab einfach ein Benutzerkonto auf meinem Rechner welches ich fürs TV zocken nutze. Ich schalte den Rechner per Fernbedienung an so wie den TV. Dann wähle ich mit dem Kontroller den Account aus und der startet direkt im steam Big picture Modus. Also keine Ablenkung.
Beim ersten Teil stimme ich dir zu. Ich wollte nur aufzeigen wie eng gefasst das Asylrecht ist. Und dass wirtschaftsflüchtling eben nicht heißt dass Menschen herkommen weil sie statt es okay zu haben lieber Wohlstand wollen. Sondern es eben auch dabei oft um Leben und Tod geht.
Beim zweiten Teil hast du viele punkte angesprochen die ich auch so sehe. Es gibt in der Welt so viele Menschen, die in so schlechten Bedingungen leben, dass sie in unser und die anderen wohlhabenden Länder umsiedeln wollen. Das Ausmaß ist so groß dass unsere Wirtschaft das aktuell nicht auffangen kann. Ich denke dass man durchaus besser haushalten könnte und durch weniger Vetternwirtschaft und Korruption deutlich mehr Geld für menschliche und soziale Belange übrig hatte. Aber das ist ein neues Fass das man evtl nicht aufmachen muss jetzt.
Daher stellte ich die moralische Grundlage in Frage mit der Industrieländer Menschen der Nationen auf deren Ausbeutung ihr Wohlstand basiert den Zutritt verwehrt. Dabei sterben Menschen.
Wenn dann Milliarden genutzt werden um Grenzkontrollen zu stärken aber kein Geld für das aufnehmen von Flüchtlingen ist oder gar dafür die Ursachen für das fliehen anzugehen, dann entlarven sich die Prioritäten doch sehr schnell.
The butocracy can be absolute hell as are a huge emphasis on being punctual.
But at least we got a decent enough Healthcare to actuslly get therapy and meds if you need them. It’s barred behind said hellish butocracy. But at least it is there.