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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


Yikes- those are all local drives huh? Physically attached to the machine?

Were you using the “Combine storage” function?

New Zimaboard, weird ass SMB issue
Got a new Zimaboard yesterday, running through using it to migrate the Plex workload off of my Synology NAS- but running in to a strange issue. When mounting the NAS (which I'm still using for the storage of my media) everythiing works great, authenticates with a user I created just for it, finds the shares and displays them correctly, but entering any of the shares, they "appear" to be empty in CasaOS's file browser, which of course they're not. Things I've tested- connected to my NAS with that same user credential in a VM, shares appear/work correctly. User has read/write permissions inside those folders. Triple-checked file permissions on the NAS- all good from test VM. Updated the Zimaboard's Debian OS from SSH, updated CasaOS afterward. Rebooted numerous times. Anyone here familiar with CasaOS that ships on Zimaboard who might be able to enlighten me?

Oh yes, they work. Got off cigs OVERNIGHT years ago. Still vape because now I love the fantastical fruity flavors and have a fixation.

started releasing models that supported a full size GPU.

Exactly what nobody on earth wants from a mini pc.

I’m fine with it. Their competitors passed them by a few years ago anyway. The only thing the Intel branded stuff was better at now- was being more expensive.

No computer, on EARTH comes with licensed, paid for MS Office installed. Period.

They now ship the “apps” installed, but that doesn’t mean you own them. You no longer EVER own them. You subscribe and pay. Period.

If you want to use those trash applications, subscribe and pay them. If you want to not, Install LibreOffice.

Since it’s not a financially good idea to be seen as a douche, I think it’s in his best interest to put videos on the internet that look good- but is he really? Nobody knows that but him.