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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


Postillon hat mal wieder einige gute Artikel zu dem Thema!

Yes, it IS not the norm. It’s a minority. But that doesn’t make it weird. Just because it’s kind of rare doesn’t make it a bad thing. It’s been and still is the society that is making it weird for the people themselves. But I see a positive development to a more open minded and inclusive society, even tho the “angry people” who are against this are loud, they won’t be able to stop it! And they know it, that’s why they are so angry at everyone who’s different as them.

I would argue that, even tho it’s not how a human would respond, it’s correct nevertheless. Because there could be news about him still. Maybe someone found out his grave is empty or he faked his death or there is a new song out from him, like with Linkin Park, where they released a “new” song with Chester singing.

This is the way! Also what a lot of others already commented, that it’s more smooth to use with one hand. For me it’s also nice to use, when it comes to switching languages. English is my second language and with swipe it feels like the autocorrect works pretty good, because it is more forgiving if you don’t know exactly how the word is actually written. A small idea about how the word is constructed is enough.

“Hey, have you read today’s news: There where several cases of pneumonia in Wuhan, China, with no known cause. Probably only a local problem, which will be under control in a couple of weeks, tho. So don’t worry about it” - send by IE