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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Odroid HC4 supports two drives in a toaster configuration.

In a private tracker, I assume there are no narcs. If there was one they’d have to get a list of IP addresses for their intellectual property, then track down dozens of different ISPs to send them notices. If get a notice, I will delete the media, my account, etc. In court, the only proof they have is that my IP downloaded content. I will show them my public unprotected guest network, letting them know it was probably one of my neighbors. Unless they can find a copy, there’s not much more they can do. This is not legal advice. For actual legal advice see EFF.org.

yt-dlp can download videos using cookies from your web browser. I haven’t gotten it to work myself but there’s probably a tutorial somewhere.

Not sure about Jellyfin but in Emby there are user settings to disable transcoding. They’re of the same lineage so maybe a good place to look.

You can get an Odroid HC4 for about $100. Use it as a NAS and run qbittorrent on that. Then your media can be immediately hosted once complete. You can also run Emby or Jellyfin to host media to your TV or other devices.

Emby, Piwigo, HomeBridge, Omada Software Controller

yt-dlp works great with Tubi. Some great shows on there like How It’s Made can be archived and viewed ad-free. The movies however are encrypted streams.

It is only immoral to steal and reproduce a work for profit. Actually I believe it is unethical to try to sell something for more than you paid for it, unless you’ve added value to it with labor. Ticket scalpers and medical supply hoarders for instance are scum.

Imagine if the Mona Lisa had such immense copyright protection that few have ever seen it. Well then I guess it wouldn’t be that famous would it. An artist or record label doesn’t own the recording any more than the sound engineer or instrument maker does.

The problem with digital piracy being considered stealing is that it’s based on a corrupt system to begin with: capitalism. The people who funded the movie didn’t MAKE the movie, the people in the credits did. Once it’s already made a fair profit in the cinema, the VFX artists who worked hundreds of OT hours don’t see another dime from your streaming subscription or digital download. And yeah capital is necessary to make films, but are we to judge the full legality and ethics of how that capital was attained in the first place? Remember, there’s no way to earn a billion dollars. You must take it.