• 16 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 03, 2023


I’d say the thought is still there but my brain has just lost its ‘connection’ to it. And the stimuli somehow start building that connection again

“Wait. Haven’t we had this exact conversation before?,”

Haha yes. It’s sad how predictable this implies we are.

So say im scrolling through my gallery, and a specific sequence of pictures makes me have a thought, which I try to remember, but soon forget. If I go back and look at those pictures again soon enough, they usually re-trigger the forgotten thought.

Absolutely. I often find that re-tracing my steps makes the thought come back. It makes me wonder if the same set of stimuli would make me have the same thought even eg. a month later

Thank you. That makes two of us

I don’t think that’s the way they meant it.

I wish! The latter unfortunately hasn’t cut it so far so I’m looking to get myself into situations where someone does the former for me as an inherent part of that situation (hence for free).

Haha, good point, a partner can fill the hole too and doesn’t limit you to a specific job. This actually worked really well for me when I was trying to start a business with my friend and he took care of the organisational/searching activities while I could focus on the technical side. I’ve considered joining the army and I might actually give it a go a bit later on in life.

How to outsource life planning?
I'm completely inept at organizing changes in my life, which means I waste a many weeks being 'stuck' when I could be out living/working somewhere interesting/etc. I was watching Top Gear the other day and I realized that what I really need is to have 'producers' like they do on the show who take care of the logistics of things so that the protagonist can just sail through. I realize that this doesn't come for free so I would be willing to join a group where one such plan is made for the whole group, or switch to a job where having someone plan your life (at least the working part) is a requirement of the job. In other words, I am willing to trade some of my sovereignty/independence for this. Any recommendations? (Just for context, I am not in the US and I'm not old.)

$1921 🤯 We need a Lemmy livestream for the countdown to it settling

Do you also get ‘stuck’ in the shower?
Turning the tap on that nice bed-like environment is a real dopamine hurdle. And I keep getting lost in my thoughts. Bathrooms are practically stimulation-less spaces.

I want to write theses without doing PhDs.
There are hobby projects that I would like to do deep research into in my free time and perhaps try to put to use somehow. At the same time, since the fields of my interests change every couple of years, I don’t want to start a whole university programme for each of these deep dives. Nonetheless, I would still benefit from academic support/guidance, and I would like to be able to have some kind of final piece of work to show for all my effort. (currently I’m deep diving into techniques of recycling plastic and trying to invent realistic ways to promote their use in society) I’m currently doing my bachelors in which the system constrains me to one narrow field. What would be the best way to formalize my curiosity-driven deep dives (ie. Special Interests) so that they aren’t just private word documents and thoughts in my head? Does the academic system have any provisions for people like me?

Yup! I only found out about it because I googled to see if it exists

Also I can see this being useful in startups, right?

Ooh this is good. Yes I can see my ability to absorb wikipedia coming in useful here.

How do you think I should prepare myself for a role like this qualification-wise? I’m interested in STEM but the thought of picking one niche (say, chemical engineering) and devoting myself to it really hurts.

Yeah, this is the example I heard too

I was gonna ask this too. I’ve heard that some employers in the UK (perhaps in the Netherlands too) are actually explicitly asking for ND people in their job listings.

Ooh, quite a lot. My Ritalin (yes it is IR) dosage tends to go 15mg - 50min - 10mg - 50min - 5mg - 50min - 5mg. So that does roughly equal the 36mg dose of Concerta I guess

Ah I see, I suspected the dosage labelling might work this way.

Because it doesn’t calm my restless limbs and brain the way 15mg of Ritalin does.

Ritalin vs Concerta dosage
When I take Ritalin, I need to take an initial dose of 15-20mg for it to be effective (and then taper it down every 50 minutes otherwise I get jittery). But when I was on Concerta, 18mg was not enough, even though it is roughly the same dosage. Is the Concerta dosage not comparable to that of the Ritalin as it is spread out over a longer period? I know 30mg of Ritalin would be way too much for me – but does that necessarily mean that 36mg of Concerta would too?

Hmm, interesting idea. Do you know roughly how much of their day it took up?

I quite liked the idea of doing translation, as it uses the creative part of my brain which successfully gets me into flow, but unfortunately they are very picky and translation as a career is quickly dying out.

Coursera? Small units? This sounds useful (but for ADHD learning, not for jobs), I’ll look into this. How widely are the Coursera certificates accepted?

This does sound quite good, especially seeing as I’m quite a techy person.

ADHD-friendly online jobs
Any ideas? I'm 21 so not too many bills to pay. I just need something that will give me the financial freedom to move around and hopefully some time left over.

Agreed. But in any case, the process of contacting a place, waiting for a response, reminding them, finding a date, booking a hotel and arranging transport is exactly the sort of process that us ADHD people struggle with, and I’d be curious to see what techniques he’s developed to keep track of them all. Not because he has ADHD (I don’t think he does), but because the shear scale of the process would put him or whoever he’s employing into the same position as us.

Yeah I have this problem too. There’s so many

“I just need x to get to the next step of y plan”

weighing my head down but writing them all out and updating them would be such an arduous and impractical task. Let alone dragging around (ie. losing) a physical planner. I don’t knw what to do. I wonder how people without ADHD deal with this. I’ve been thinking that it would really help me to be able to study how a youtuber like Tom Scott (who travels to a new place for each of his videos) keeps track of all his planning. Because the logistics of filming his videos are essentially the same tasks that we struggle with but a much bigger volume.

For some reason I’ve got this really bad habit of thinking up the experience I’d like to live and trying to make it reality, instead of seeing what’s actually out there and going with that…

Do you have any thoughts about what I should do about this? I’ve noticed this is a pattern in my behaviour and I thnk it really trips me up…

My goal when planning is not to set out exactly what I’m going to do, but rather to reduce uncertainty and gather information to improvise effectively if needed.

Missed this bit. This is good

Hmm, that’s a good suggestion.

Also, I’ve realised my Plan B problem can be generalized:

  1. I want something
  2. I search for the means
  3. There are no means.
  4. What now? I’m terrified of №3, it’s giving me a mental block to search in the first place… (but yeah, your suggestion helps here)

Oh no, this didn’t happen those were just two random examples

I think you’re a planner, but you’re so afraid that you’ll spend all this time planning and something won’t go exactly right, so you’re not planning anything at all.

Actually you hit the nail on the head there. Yeah I guess I should learn to improvise and go with what I’ve got more. For some reason I’ve got this really bad habit of thinking up the experience I’d like to live and trying to make it reality, instead of seeing what’s actually out there and going with that… I don’t know where it came from or what to do about it

Yeah, I guess Plan Bs just come down to thinking out of the box

Ah, setting yourself a Plan B reminder is a great idea

Also agreed the pomodoro technique has really helped me Get Things Done.

How do you deal with unexpected Plan Bs? Like say, your traveling and looking for a place to stay but there are none, or you need some extra money but you can’t find any suitable jobs? Or if nobody replies to your emails?

!..I guess what’s really happening is my brain facing the reality of what it thinks should be possible vs. what is actually possible…!<

How do you deal with unexpected Plan Bs? Like say, your traveling and looking for a place to stay but there are none, or you need some extra money but you can’t find any suitable jobs? It might not be an ADHD problem but these things always really stump me.

!Is the answer to constantly lower my expectations/requirements?!<

Ugh. Definitely the second one 🥲 how do I learn to become the former?

Struggling to set life into motion
I either have an exciting plan, or when that fails, no plan (I resign). Since the exciting plans usually fail, I end up living on autopilot. I really struggle _making things in life move_. There's too many simultaneous Big Tasks* whose logistics I need to keep track of that I can’t hold them all in my head at once (I can only focus on one Big Task at once). Especially when most tasks are timelines where you need to wait for responses, compose emails, search for things (there might be none – what then?) etc. and where you need to think about the order of the tasks in the timeline so that you save time. Not to forget remembering to notice if people haven’t replied to your e-mail and having to either remind them or come up with a Plan B (this usually leaves you stumped because you now can't get the thing you started the whole journey for). There's so many steps to keep track of and you can't even write them down because the amount of steps keeps changing. *Finding the next place to rent, booking a dentist for my hurting tooth, planning journeys (what is the Plan B if the journey is too expensive?) The cluelessness and dread of having to come up with a Plan B is why I hate searching for things. Having to come up with a Plan B is so disorienting. And it's the opposite of stimulating: you've put in a ton of effort and gotten nowhere. How do you all deal with it?

Did that ease your latent anxiety as well? Have you been on both?

You say you had problems with short term memory – did you keep forgetting what you were doing have having to re-trace your steps/thoughts? This is one of my problems, it’s gotten so bad that I forget like every 2 minutes and always mumble ‘What was I doing? What was I doing?’ to myself…

Strattera vs other anti-anxiety meds
My psych wants to take me off Strattera because it isn't helping my ADHD and apparently it's quite expensive. One thing it _is_ helping me with though is my anxiety – I no longer get the random bouts of anxiety that I used to and I feel like I'm just generally more chill and enjoying the present moment. What's more, I can actively feel the Strattera keeping me calm at times when my brain would have panicked before, like when approaching girls. Do you know if other anti-anxiety meds my psych is likely to give me will have this same effect, or should I urge him to keep me on Strattera?

Which Med Should I Try Next?
My main problems: * Inability to stick to lowly stimulating tasks * Executive dysfunction * Forgetting what I was doing every 2 minutes Bonus mention: random bouts of anxiety (Don't know which subtype this amounts to) Meds I've tried so far: 1. Atomoxetine (extinguished the anxiety but did nothing for the ADHD) 2. Methylphenidate (amplified the ED, essentially gluing me to even boring tasks. This helped for reading but not for my executively intensive physics homework, where I literally had to use my inner voice to guide myself. Did nothing for the forgetfulness.) Has anyone had a similar response? What ended up working? I'm in the UK so there's no Aderall.

How to overcome ADHD guilt?
Often when I start feeling guilty for putting off a task (even if I genuinely didn't have time), the guilt makes it harder for me to get back to it. It's an additional emotion that I have to barge through in order to get started. What if the person is annoyed with me for still not having replied? What if they've followed up with a strongly worded email that I'm now going to have to suffer through? _And_ I'm going to have to come up with an excuse for taking so long. This would have been so much easier if I'd done it yesterday. The guilt increases exponentially. How do you dispel it so that it's not in the way of actually _getting to_ the task? (Alcohol and sleep deprivation does not count)

How to make showering not boring?
For me showering means standing in a windowless room staring at a blank wall for 20 minutes (I get lost in my thoughts). Also there are several steps and I have to think about each of them. This means that I only end up showering when my fear of coming across as dirty becomes bigger than the dread of being bored. What do you do?

Task breakup
I've found that breaking a daunting task down into concrete steps and eating away at it in baby steps helps me get it done. When I take Concerta, it helps me focus on the boring nitty-gritty bits, and it enables me to focus on activities like reading where you don't have to do any planning. But the actual process planning/task breakup stays just as cognitively straining as before and becomes the new bottleneck to my productivity. Can this also be fixed with a pill, or does everyone have it this hard and is it a skill that you get better at over time?

Strattera vs Sleep Deprivation
I've long had problems with random, unfounded bouts of anxiety. I've been taking Strattera and it has partially helped with this: when it works (which is 80% of the time), I can feel it keeping me in a mellow headspace at moments when I would have previously had racing thoughts and mental tunnel vision. Specifically, the source of the anxiety is still there, because I can feel it spark into action and put adrenaline into my blood, but the Strattera seems to be blocking it from affecting my mind in any way. While this is a significant improvement, it's still not perfect because the adrenaline in my blood still tires my body out quite quickly. Recently I went a whole day on 2 hours of sleep, and I realized the sleep deprivation stopped my anxiety more optimally than the Strattera. My brain was too sleep deprived for the unfounded anxiety/fight or flight to even be initiated, which meant there was no adrenaline to block from affecting my mind in the first place. What's more, my mind was just generally more chilled out and slowed down (no hyperactivity or hyperfocus or anything), kinda a bit like if I was stoned, and I felt far less inhibition to spontaneously blurt out thoughts that appeared in my head without thinking about them, which I actually quite enjoyed because it meant I was being my peak authentic self. Whilst the Strattera helped stop the immediate effects of my anxiety, the sleep deprivation got me into the actual overall target state that I want to be in. Now I obviously can't go about being sleep deprived every day from now on. **Does somebody understand the chemistry of what Strattera does vs. what the sleep deprivation does? Is there any medication that could create the same desirable effects as the sleep deprivation?**

How long would it take to temporarily come off Strattera?
Hey guys, I've been taking Atomoxetine for 5 months and I'm thinking of trying a different med because it isn't stopping the ADHD for me. I've been thinking it would probably be best to come off Strattera before I try the new med, firstly so I can be sure that whatever happens is caused purely by the new med, and secondly so that I can see what changes the Strattera actually caused. How long did it take you guys to come off it (how quickly did you lower the dose)? If I wanted to start taking it again, would I have to wait _another_ 6 weeks for it to work, like I did the first time?

ADHD-friendly sports?
Hey guys, I'm looking for a sport to do because I'm super skinny and I'd like to gain at least a bit of muscle. I've done cycling and bouldering in the past, but neither made me any less skinny. The problem with sports is it's very hard to do any sort of exercise with ADHD because beyond giving you no stimulation, it gives you _negative_ stimulation, like when doing the plank. What's more, it usually requires a ton of logistic prep/going somewhere, which itself is boring and becomes a barrier. One thing I can see motivating me is doing it with other people (I enjoy chilling with people and having banter), but for that I might as well go to a pub/society where there's no pesky ball I have to kick around. Team sports like football never really appealed to me for some reason anyway. Has anyone had success making sports fun?

Tips for focusing on very boring study notes?
I'm studying for a test and the only resources I have are the presentations and somebody's notes in text form. It's a knowledge-retrieval test (no counting/reasoning), and unfortunately I don't know what the questions look like so it seems I really will have to go through _everything_ covered. ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/19902d04-d358-43e6-852d-76fa33783cf6.jpeg) Now of course some inanimate notes and a PPT file are the most un-captivating learning format that a person with ADHD could face. One thing I'm good at is going down rabbitholes, so I thought about just googling questions I have about the things written on each page. But the notes go on for 60 pages and it would take a really really long time. I'm lost for ideas. Has anybody found any learning techniques that help when focusing on things as bland as this?