The way i think about this is that it is an excuse, but it’s not an excuse to not try to work around it.
We all do our best, and for some that really isn’t a lot and that’s FINE! But there are also probably ways you and others can find that enable you to do a whole lot more, which benefits everyone.
As a really really concrete example: I simply do not have the mental energy to constantly take proper care of my teeth, so i don’t try to hold myself to that standard since it would eat away at me and make me fucking miserable.
However i also don’t just give up, instead i do my best to brush when i have the energy for it, i take flouride pills to strengthen the teeth, i try to avoid sweets and stuff that harms dental health, and i literally just swish some water around my mouth every time i drink (this dislodges the food scraps and adds a little bit more flouride to the teeth).
Yeah it’s not as good as properly brushing my teeth regularly with toothpaste, but it’s the best way i’ve found to take care of my teeth while still being mentally sustainable, and that’s all you can ask.
100%, either outcome is positive: either i immediately learn that i want nothing to do with the person and that being around them would be detrimental to me, or they’re a decent person and can use the knowledge to make things easier for everyone.
“hi, just so you know, i’m autistic and have ADHD so i’m going to be staring at everything BUT your face while doing weird stims, and my leg WILL be bouncing and i might need to take a break to just go outside and jump my excess energy away. just a heads up so you know what’s going on and that i’m not trying to make you uncomfortable, and i don’t need to feel miserable by trying to mask these things away which would inevitably lead to me avoiding you”
Why the fuck is that not a valid excuse? It can be impossible to find sufficient support and adjustments to enable yourself to reliably arrive on time, saying shit like this is a great way to make people who are already struggling feel even more worthless, jesus christ.
Yeah sure, you can’t expect people to literally always be able to accomodate every struggle everyone may have, but to just summarily say “deal with it” is so heartless…
I mean your sister is partly right, you won’t completely forget it’s there but especially nowadays we have lots of things that can help make life easier, and that’s true for a ton of difficulties people have regardless of diagnoses.
The general practice of minimalism makes things soooo much more manageable for me, it reduces the amount of things i have to think about and the amount of distractions around me. It doesn’t magically cure me of inattention, but it takes it from being fairly overhwelming to being merely frustrating.
and for newer generations: yes teach, i will always have a calculator in my pocket, so fuck you very much.
I will never understand the insistence on making people memorize things before they know if they’ll ever have a use for it, we live in an age where you can just look things up within seconds and there is a whole profession which is specifically built around copying from others (programming).
People are capable of memorizing things that come up a lot, there’s no need to pre-emptively memorize when we have computers and the internet.
here’s a life hack: most dishes can just be rinsed off directly after using them, especially if the only thing it’s been in contact with is something watery and water soluble.
There is absolutely no need to wash a bowl you’ve had cereal in, just rinse it with hot water for a few seconds and you’re done.
this, a lot of places have TERRIBLE lighting, if they had proper modern LED bulbs with good CRI that replicate sunlight i would actually enjoy them.
Even better if they have giant panels that literally look like sunlight shining through a window, like this:
wuhey my immediate assumption was indeed correct, ADHD is once again simply the “impulsive boys and men” disease.
like what’s even the point of writing articles about stuff like this? “congratulations, as if you weren’t already suffering enough from this we’re now also going to tell you you’ll die early! aren’t you glad?”
Hm, i don’t see it as a time commitment because i don’t spend that much time away from home anyways and thus the only time spent on it is putting it in and taking it out along with setting an alarm so i remember to move it to the drier and then take it out, i also don’t care about wrinkles in clothes because i’m not a victorian noble.
As for folding, again we’re not victorian nobles so just roll shit up and stuff it in the drawer, it’s fine.
it would depend on the precisely muscle, and the distribution would depend on the species and stage in its lifecycle.
It seems like dinosaurs were generally big on changing niches with age, so for example a young tyrannosaur might be an active predator while an adult might be a scavenger, which would probably mean the young ones have more white meat.
if we assume the lowest capacity tesla model S and a beefy AC that consumes 5 kWh/h, that’s still 15 hours of non-stop balls to the wall AC usage.
Also, provided that you live close enough to a charger that is functonal, you have the ability to drive there, charge your car, and use the energy at home. That’s probably less efficient and definitely more of a hassle than just having a backup generator and some dunks of fuel, but hey it’s nice to have extra options.
i have literally been waiting TWO FUCKING YEARS here in sweden, and now i’m finally getting referred to a private clinic in november, and then presumably i’ll get to actually go there sometime in december.
wow golly fucking gee i wonder why people are killing themselves, what a mystery huh, man such a brain tickler.
this is fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, what society really needs is cheaper gasoline