• 17 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 28, 2023


It really is, on so many angles.

If we’re going to be staring into the sun before the raid, I think he’s winning lol.

Every time I see this picture it feels more like he’s saying something about her never escaping, or something equally unbalanced.

I sort of understand, I was assaulted because I didn’t care about someone’s opinion on masks. He was pissed I was wearing a mask, so logically he sucker-punched me with a roll of nickels and ran. The irony being I was actually being polite at the time, I’m getting too old for this shit lol.

It’s sad this even has to be joked about, but knowing the rich they’ll share any immortality treatments, but only for the twisted reason to ensure there’s no escape.

This has never felt more relevant than when the summer comes.

If you find a way out, take me with you.

I had a feeling someone would say this, but not all pets are the same.

Pretend I’m not being starred at by a creature with razor sharp claws lol.

This shows you have cats lol, you know how it works. 🥴

Cats are so hard to read lol, it’s hard to know if you’re on their shit list lol.

Oh wow, I haven’t been on 4chan in a while.

Did you get them from Trader Joe’s or Sprouts? If so, I know which ones you’re talking about.

Where did you think most cat memes came from?

I sort of get it, I’m sick and it was the first time I noticed how eerie it was.

Not to mention, she’s gonna get revenge and that’s never fun waiting to find out how…

It’s alright, I know the grumpy feeling at the moment… I’m trying to stay busy at the moment with a nasty case of the flu lol. So I figured this might help migrate traffic away from Reddit. If you’ve got memes, go for it, too! As long as we up Lemmy traffic.

It could be all, and I never meant to imply it’s only one. Just in my situation they’ve always been addicts, worked at a gas station in my mid-teens, and have relatives with the problem. But I’ll concede the odds could be 50/50. Like most answers you’ll get here, it’s going to be from personal experience.

Yeah, most of us are trying to get Lemmy user activity and get everyone we can over by helping make it look lived. Hard to know if you’re the first here as there’s a fad with old meme’s lately, last week was beans. Yep, cans of beans lol.

99.999% of memes on Lemmy are reposts from Reddit lol. And it’s impossible to know if someone has posted it before at this point.

If you think most the people here made the memes being posted, you must be young lol. More than one person in the world saves memes they relate too!

No, someone was actually doing it in a case I was in (case was unrelated). But it feels like you’re doing exactly what your irritated for me doing.

No, someone was actually doing it in a case I was in. It’s clear you just made a guess yourself but credited yourself 100%, but look forward to your downvote. 🙄

I have no idea how I forgot one of the creepiest reasons, thank you.

I hear you, it’s confusing how they convince themselves getting locked out of their account and calling customer support’s should be a regular occurrence.

They’ll let you take your poop knife onto the ship? I assumed it would be a no go.

Almost makes you tingle in excitement?

I’m so sorry to hear what you’re dealing with. I think the most important thing we can try to take from the pains, is to try treating others better than we were treated, despite how difficult it might be.

It’ll blow you away… *from the wall*

We’ve all been there at some point.

but teaches you, always hold it till your home.

Don’t forget to wash your hands!