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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


My area in New York is like that. It’s like “You will enjoy our scenic views, for as long as humanly possible. I don’t know why you think this state highway that is the only route through our shitty backwater town would ever be otherwise…”

Temporary license plate, either the date it was issued or the date it expires. Just meant to get you in the system and keep you legal till the permanent ones come in.

It’s true. Everything we were told would happen if we lost the Cold War happened anyway, done to us from within.

Hey look it’s that thing where somebody says something so brick fucking stupid you can’t tell if you’re looking at an actual moron or a really solid parody.

Punch every Nazi. Every single one.

I love how many pro youth people I keep finding in the fediverse. I’ve gotten absolutely lit up for advocating for young people on the R.

As for your last point, i feel it bears saying: young people deserve a real wage for their time, too. A job “for teens” is not an excuse to take advantage of people.

“PC load letter? The hell does that mean?”

Have two voids, can confirm real life soot sprite energy.

People who then proceed to navigate and use it with their dominant hand, like me.

I logged out and back in again and that seems to have helped. Not sure if it mattered at all or if the timing was coincidental.

This happens when capitalists own both labor and the robots.

I feel it. Not so much “wasted” as “taken from me.” Between school that did nothing but hold me back and cause me anxiety to the time since that I’ve lost to said anxiety and probably-related depression, I feel like my life never really began. Now I look around at the things I “have to do” or “have to get done” and it’s all so overwhelming that I just want to sleep instead. Even though I know damn well I’ll feel better and enjoy the payoff if I actually do the things. And then I see people half my age doing all the things OP mentions, and honestly I feel exhausted just looking at those people. Like how the fuck do you run a startup? I have a goddamn master’s degree and I can’t figure out how to register a business let alone run one. And you do this every day? I mean, I remember doing ten-plus-hour days when I was working and going to school at the same time and I didn’t have a choice, but now? Holy shit, no.

Catholic in the Morning, Satanist at Night

Sir, that is clearly a chinchilla.

Growth without limit for the sake of growth is the ideology of cancer, literal and figurative.

I was watching a Star Wars movie recently, and it occurred to me… Isn’t it weird that they don’t have pigeons on Coruscant? Like, space pigeons, or something? How you have a city that big and NO pigeons?

It is, and you’re better off not knowing.

I know about this and wish I didn’t.

I mean, there’s a lot wrong with this, but top of my list is that the texture of this must be pure heresy.

It did. It’s still delicious.

It takes a special kind of deliberately stupid to vote Republican in this day and age.