I feel it. Not so much “wasted” as “taken from me.” Between school that did nothing but hold me back and cause me anxiety to the time since that I’ve lost to said anxiety and probably-related depression, I feel like my life never really began. Now I look around at the things I “have to do” or “have to get done” and it’s all so overwhelming that I just want to sleep instead. Even though I know damn well I’ll feel better and enjoy the payoff if I actually do the things. And then I see people half my age doing all the things OP mentions, and honestly I feel exhausted just looking at those people. Like how the fuck do you run a startup? I have a goddamn master’s degree and I can’t figure out how to register a business let alone run one. And you do this every day? I mean, I remember doing ten-plus-hour days when I was working and going to school at the same time and I didn’t have a choice, but now? Holy shit, no.
My area in New York is like that. It’s like “You will enjoy our scenic views, for as long as humanly possible. I don’t know why you think this state highway that is the only route through our shitty backwater town would ever be otherwise…”