• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Kbin comes with a micro blog feature. A cool thing with the fediverse is that you could use Kbin to browse Lemmy (both are clone of that R social network)

Do cavers accept chipping ?
I was browsing Tik Tok (yes I am ashamed) and saw a video of caver in pretty narrow passage. So that caver took another rock and started to chip in order to widen a little bit the passage, while complaining about not having a hammer with him. I am a climber, not a caver, and that kind of behaviour would be a big nope in the climbing world (There is a few exceptions where it was done (usually after involving the federation and local community), and it's still pretty controversial) So I am curious about caver opinion on that practice.

What’s your goal ?

I would say bass guitar for a few reasons

  • Just like regular guitar, there is a wide range of pricing you’ll find playable instrument for 150 EUR, and high end instrument for 3000 EUR, don’t get me wrong the cheap guitar won’t sound as good as the fancy one, but it’ll be sufficient to start, moreover, the price of a professional grade guitar is the price of playable violin

  • It’s a rhythmic instrument which is fundamental in many genre, from electronic to jazz. with stuff to play from the beginner to expert level.

  • Even a simple bass-line is a great improvement for many band. There isn’t a market for a mediocre guitarist, even in amateur bands, but a mediocre bassist who can plays root, fifth on time would find a band. And if you can play a couple of walking bass over a chord progression you can do many stuffs.

The consequence is that in many genre you don’t really hear the bass, the way the music is written hides the bass under the keboard/guitar/voice but without it the whole band would collapse

“C’est bon d’vous dzire eune fouès c’étaient ein vieux rouè pis eune vieille reine. ‘L ontvaient eune fille qu’était mariée et qui I’avait ein mouèyen p’tsit garçon. Pis dans c’te ville-là, ‘I avait ein homme qui s’app’lait Som’pson. l’ restait dans I’bois, lui. I’avait pas d’dzifférence quoi ‘rouè faisait, i’ l’détruisait, lui, i’ l’démanchait. L’rouè avait fait perdre ein tas des hommes pour essayer d’faire détruire Sam’son. II a offert eune bonne somme d’argent pour n’importe qui y’aurait donné ein avis pour attraper Sam’son.”

I can really hear the old-farmer accent here. Looks like another wikipedia rabithole to be stuck in

the tendency of Franco-American groups to identify more closely with North American regional identities such as French Canadian, Acadian, Brayon, Louisiana French (Cajun, Creole) than as a coherent group

That’s a pretty french attitude, and still what France expect from immigrant, like you’ve been in the country from 10 years, forget about where your from and claim an identity from Bordeaux, Brittany or Marseille, also don’t forget to hate Paris

What happened to the French colonists in the US. ?
Something stunning when travelling to the US is the number of cities called some something Ville, *Nashville*, *Jacksonville* and all the small *ville* you'll see when going at a random place on google maps, let alone a state called "vert mont" which can't sounds more french. So there is definitely evidence for a significant french influence in former Louisiana. However, the french-influence seems very diluted in modern US, especially when looking at the cliché regarding American pretending to be Irisish/Italian because of one ancestor from that country. Moreover, US isn't really famous for their wine/bread/cheese So i am curious to learn how these colonist merged with the anglo-saxon and what's left of their heritage in modern US .

In some countries, law protect sabatical leaves, like you can take a 12 month leave and your employer has to give you back your job.

That said, many people travel for shorter time like 4-6 weeks and just use their regular holyday to do so…

Then there is the whole part of kids who use daddy’s money, and the the other who use stuff like Work Holyday visa allowing them to work part-time in a foreign country

Mass exodus?


Howevir, Lemmy has reached the critical mass of users and is usable. In parallel some active users left reddit, and many sub reddits relies on a handful of active users who post and comment, even one of them leaving here is impacting the life of these subs

Talk to your union representative, but looks like you’re being harrassed by a coworker, so yes you can press criminal charges and/or sue them civilly

Isn’t there already a shit ton of laws regarding what kind of video are admissible in court? Stuff like CCTV recorder need a sealed hard drive that can be open only by acredited security guards and cops.

People have been forging photos and video as soon as they’ve been invented.

Some proprietary social media (looking at you meta) have filter, removing any sensitive topic. So if you write rape you can’t post while if you write r@pe you can.

The ridiculous result is that a health-educator talking about sexual health and condoms will get censored while a teenager twerking in underwear won’t.

n was talking about how her cousin was shot and killed for knocking on her neighbor’s door to get her kid’s thing and she used “unalive” to describe it. It was very jarring to hear in such a somber context. It f

Are you familiar with the fediverse ? You can interact with people and communities on different instance the same way as you can sent an e-mail from hotmail to gmail.

Instances are managed by individual and non profit. Just-like big social media, they can decide to turn-off an instance (remember google plus ? ) for whatever reason, and your MPs are on that person server (again the same as big social-media, that’s even their business model). A coll thing is that if you have 5 shady person and 95 honest person it’s still better than a big social media which is 5% dishonest with everybody (and I’m sure you’ve heard enough about threads and tik-tok being spyware to know that big-social media are more than just 5% dishonest), but use common sense regarding cyber-security (don’t use Lemmy’s MP for sensitive informations)

Even though the project has been existing for a few years, we’re all pretty new here, so we don’t know much more than you.