• 2 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 22, 2023


Lasst uns als Gegenmaßnahme Rheinland-Pfälzer zum Abschuss freigeben!

True, ever tried Floorp? It mimics Edge/Chrome UI in a few clicks whilst being a Firefox fork. It even has a good sidebar (the Firefox sidebar addons never really satisfied me). Only tab groups and PWA are missing but addons like “simple tab groups” and “PWA for Firefox” do the trick

Ist dies der Umschlagplatz für Blau-Gelbe Flaggen?

Most of them shamelessly copied from Opera and Vivaldi

Yeah, it was the same way with upload filters… Me and the boys were protesting, experts were saying it wouldn’t work yet the EU politicians kept being stubborn…

Yeah, I think they should ESPECIALLY ban these non refillable vape sticks… I mean, the batteries are practically unused yet it’s more or less useless after being emptied. And there’s always the refillable option. (No vapes would be best, get off that sh***)

I mean, I kinda know these struggles from when I was sowly replacing my Micro USB stuff by USB C out of comfort. But that phase went by and now I’m happy to have a plug for almost everything… And Lightning always kept me from considering Apple products as I didn’t want to have yet another plug.

Still better than: “Can you borrow me your charging cable? Oh, you got USB-C. Well shit!”

I’ve once seen a poll on Reddit where Android was leading with ~60% against Apple with ~40% but idk how trustworthy those polls are since they rely on user input instead of concrete OS data gathering and it was ofc a subreddit poll so it just reached a small group of Redditors

I mean, there are a lot of “ifs” in that article but I don’t feel like discussing that out so I’m accepting that issue. Even if they were the inventors they were very reserved using it (apart from their new Thunderbolt ports) and in (tech) history the credit often doesn’t go to those who created a thing, but to those who made it popular.

Anyways, don’t let it get to you. It’s your decision anyways. In that regard, have a nice day :D

Es mittwocht der Frosch!

If Article 17 (Upload filters) didn’t make it through I cannot see chat control making it (even tho I think we shouldn’t even let it get so far)

Hi, I’m sorry that this makes you feel uncomfortable. It wasn’t my aim to make people feel that way. Even if I was making fun of Apple devices and users it doesn’t reflect the whole spectrum of my feelings. I do think that Apple has made some technological milestones and that their products are a strong alternative comparing them to the other ones (Windows Phone *cough cough)

Even if Apple isn’t my favourite brand I still believe that competition drives progress which is why I’m actually glad Apple is such a big competition and vice versa. And it is because of users like you.

I don’t really want to denounce Apple users for their phone choice. As I see it we’ve all chosen our phone by our past influences and experiences, and those naturally differ so there’s no objective right and wrong here. Ultimately, you choose what suits you best!

And to be really fair, the only phones I’ve seen so far that would tick off all the boxes are old Android phones and the Fairphones.

That phone would literally survive fat man & little boy combined!

You are confusing USB C to Thunderbolt (which has adopted USB C)

I know at least 5 plebs who’d still purchase Apple devices even if they increased their prices by 100 bucks

Yeah likely, not as if they needed to stay competitive with such a loyal fanbase

Can’t you just purchase the EU version or is it locked for non EU sim cards?

Some changes might also affect non EU countries anyways, at least there is no logical reason to keep especially the hardware changes region locked… On the other hand, it’s Apple

USB c is what almost everyone except for Apple has kind of agreed on anyways (except for parts the notebook market and some older tech that still uses micro usb for some reason)

It’s not like in 2004, where Sony Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola and so on each had their own plugs…

And take a look at the PC market, where USB has been a thing since 1996 (I definitely did not have to google that *cough cough) ofc the plug evolved, but the design stayed the same so that you can plug 27 year old usb peripherals into your new shiny gaming PC. And I’ve had phones with USB c since 2016/17, so that has also been around for quite a while now.

About the 3rd party apps I can say: you are always free to stay within the “walled garden”. Not just on Apple, but on Android as well.

If it wasn’t for privacy I wouldn’t need 3rd party stores at all as Google Play features almost every (legal) Android app in existence. 3rd party apps give me the opportunity to choose between a big tech store and a community open source alternative. Having store monopoly increases the risk of dictating “agreements” & levies to app devs who need to submit to get their software to the end user.

If we could only fix that veto issue… And the parliament issue… Someday hopefully :')

“We CaNnOt mAkE tHeM wAtErProOf.”

Galaxy S5 starts laughing

(No, just keep on. These kinds of regulations were long overdue)

Haha, kein Ding. War zu regional um es einfach so ohne Kontext stehn zu lassen

Bedeutung [fladern](https://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/fladern)