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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


We were/are always just honest with our kids. No, we don’t think there’s a god/goddess/whatever. When we/grandma/grandpa/whoever dies, they’re just gone. Nobody knows where the universe/world comes from. As far as anyone knows it’s several billion years old. Explain the big bang as best as we know it. Etc.

There’s no ‘right’ way for so many things when it comes to kids. Ours know that many people believe in a god. We don’t. That’s ok.

The ‘litter boxes in the bathrooms’ continues to come up, like clockwork every few months. It’s absurd. As fucking if anyone has ever actually put a litter box in a bathroom in a gods damned school.

Right? After years of feeling like the only pro-firefox person left on the planet, the pro Firefox sentiment lately is a breath of fresh air, to say the least.