PhD in Cognitive Sciences. Life is Turing-complete, the Universe is discrete and it’s always DNS. BS in English/Chamullo en Español/日本語で出鱈目


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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023

rss I loved rain loop until I learned they had a vulnerability where a malicious email could compromise the system. IDK if they have fixed it but it was my favorite webmail by far. Nowadays I’m using desktop clients sadly. In general I think old, small computer laptops are going to be a better long-term solution for self-hosting than a raspberry pi.

Sure, it is hard to compete in terms of size, but you will soon find yourself looking for bigger specs anyways I wrote my own music player, after that I installed PiHole. After that I realized there were much better music players out there :-P like teenagers, all solar systems think other solar systems are cooler than them and know what they’re doing I suspect you can force restic not to encrypt. The other additional advantage of restic and similars is that you can specify s3, sftp and other targets.

How stressful is to be a yoga teacher? Engineers, doctors, school teachers are known to have a lot of pressure in their jobs, I wonder if the same happens for yoga teachers and similar jobs?
How stressful is to be a yoga teacher? Engineers, doctors, school teachers are known to have a lot of pressure in their jobs, I wonder if the same happens for yoga teachers and similar jobs? Cc [](
fedilink Honestly it depends a lot on your use case. I have 1x RAM swap and usually only half is used I suspect it is to whitewash the fact that they are walled gardens

“look! we are activitypub-interoperable. it is not our fault everybody wants to use our service instead of mastodon!”